This gonna be a bleach rp.MUST BE MORE THAN 2 SENTENCES.But I am - TopicsExpress


This gonna be a bleach rp.MUST BE MORE THAN 2 SENTENCES.But I am in a despite need of Grimmjow.) Name:Terra Aizen Age:17(her mother was human her farther was,well Sosuke Aizen) Race:Vizared Looks:Has long brown hair,just like her dad,and black eyes like her mother.She is almost as tall as Ulquorria.She wears white hakama pants like Grimmjows and a black tank with black sleeves that are not connected to her shirt.She also wears the arrancars shoes. Zanpakuto:Himanori kirayushi Shikai:Rise,himanori!Allows her to copy the moves of her opponents bankai or shikai. Bankai:Rise from the dead Himanori Kirayushi!Change her zanpakuto into a scythe thats taller than her with a edge sharper than steel.Makes her have high spiritual pressure crushing they other opponent.(Usually) Starter: Terra disobeyed her fathers orders and Shunpoed to the location of where Grimmjow went with Orihime to the wounded and dying Ichigo.When she got their she saw Orihime start healing Ichigo on Grimmjows orders and then Terra jumped at the unknown person behind her spokeWhat do you think you doing Grimmjow?And Terra,Lord Aizen wants you to come back immediately or I will have to take you back by force.The voice,or should I say Ulquorria said and Terra stood her ground and Ulquorria glared and grabbed Terras arm hard and Terra winced in pain.Grimmjow then can in between them and grabbing Terras arm away from Ulquorria.This caused Terra to fall in to his chest and she slightly blushed and Grimmjow protectively put his arms around her.Why is grimmjow acting like this,he never acts like this around me?Terra thought to herself.Ulquorria glared at Grimmjow as he glared back.He then spokeWhat does it look like Ulquorrria!Im going to fight Ichigo and that woman is helping me!He grinned with that grin Terra loved about Grimmjow. The truth was when Terra was brought to Los Noches,the person who brought her was Grimmjow himself.though when she found her,Terra was not expecting to be picked up and put on his shoulder and taken to Los Noches to meet her farther and have her powers fully awakened.Most of the arrancars liked her but then their was Nnoritra and Szyal.Those two were always looking for a fight or something to experiment with(mostly Szyal on that part). So Terra was usually around Hallibel and her faccion or she would be around Grimmjow who actually liked her company though didnt really show itTerra soon developed feelings for Grimmjow though she knew they wouldnt be returned.Then Ichigo and his friends came to save Orihime and those times she got with Grimmjow disappeared. She soon learned that Grimmjow was taking Orihime and was going to fight Ichigo.Aizrn told her that she would not be allowed on the battlefield but Terra denied his orders and went anyways.Then she got into this place with Grimmjow. Grimmjow then charged at Ulquorria did the same to Grimmjow.Terra closed her eyes and hoped that neither of them would kill each other.Then she heard no fighting at all and opened her eyes to see Ulquorria disappeared. Grimmjow then went over to Orihime and saw that she had stopped healing Ichigo and he was getting up.Terra went over to Orihime and Ichigo looked at me about to attack when Grimmjow got in the way.Then they moved away and started fighting in the distance though still visible to us. Finally it was over and Grimmjow had lost and was lying on the ground as Ichigo took Orihimes hand and then looked over to Terra.She was starring at Grimmjows limp form and was about to cry when Ichigo came over and asked Terra to come back with them.Terra was about to reply when a voice that she knew well boomed the answer for herI wont let you take her!Grimmjow yelled as he got up shaky. But before either Ichigo or Terra moved a scythe came pierced Grimmjows body and he fell to the ground dying. Terra stared in shock and horror as she saw Nnoirtra try to place a finishing blow on Grimmjow but Ichigo blocked and started to fight him.Terra came to Grimmjow and held him in her arms and cried.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:54:53 +0000

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