This group Rightly will be a safe place to study the bible...I - TopicsExpress


This group Rightly will be a safe place to study the bible...I started this group as a place for people to come to discuss the bible...a safe place to think out loud so to speak...a place especially to think outside the denominational box so many churches hem people into these days. A safe place to question the undoubtedly popular doctrines pushed out there today that so many find issue with once they do actually study their bibles front to back. Some of them off the top of my head....Health and Wealth Prosperity doctrine....Pretribulation doctrine....Mid tribulation doctrine....Prewrath doctrine....Preterism doctrine...its baby Amillennialism doctrine .......Replacement doctrine....Calvinism....its baby Tulip ....a Roman antichrist American York as Babylon ...I could go on. And while we all come from various back grounds...this IS NOT an ecumenical group...there are not several truths...there is ONE...HIS. Christ prayed we would be united in HIS truth...He sanctified Himself so that we would be sanctified that we all say the same thing...WHAT HE SAID...not our version of it....its this unification amongst the body of believers... that draws men unto Him. They can get babble anywhere. And while it all may not always be clear...there are several witnesses in the bible alone...and history backs the bible up.... these witnesses do not contradict and His will and ways are made clear thru them by word and deed...leaving us the example in the way that we should go. Want to see my confidence in this as egotistical and be it. You want easy believism...this is not the group for you want your version in spite of its contradiction of whats written...again you will not find a home for it here. You want to buckle down and study the word of God from front to back...and accept what you find written... with no twists and turns or guess work.... then welcome. God is not the author of confusion...and I will not be put in the position to foster it either. I have fought against it for 12 years...teaching people they can know with confidence what is expected of us....and that we can see whats written taking shape around us....not gonna stop now. So consider this my doubling down and a fair warning to all who would oppose my agenda.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:51:15 +0000

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