This guide is just to offer some information for someone that - TopicsExpress


This guide is just to offer some information for someone that wants to start out in the pigeon racing hobby and sport .There are all types of pigeon fanciers, from the hobbyist to the serious flyers. And we are in it for the love of the pigeons. Even the Queen of England and the royal family take part in this great sport. Hopefully this guide will help you get started into the wonderful world of Pigeons. TIPS & TRICKS Listen and learn: When talking with a veteran flier ,you will learn more by listening , than being a smart alack , no-it-all.They may take you under their wing and they will be your mentor . Don’t over Feed: Fat pigeons don’t win races. Dinner Bell: Training starts as soon as the babies hatch. When meal time comes , have a saying , so the pigeons will know when you say these words that means food. Some sayings are words like( come and get it , or dinner time or whistle). Make sure you say these words to all your pigeons at meal time. Music: Put a radio in your loft, this will get the pigeons from birth to get use to human voices and noises. Quarantine: When you get any new birds,put them in Quarantine for about two weeks before you introduce them to the main stream of your loft. Traps and Windows: Do not leave traps and windows unattended, it has be reported of hawks flying in lofts during the daytime.Raccoons, mink, skunks and weasels will get into any open trap or window at night. Leaving traps and windows unattended can be costly. Mosquito:Mosquitoes can be a pigeons worse enemy , Mosquitoes carry deceases like Malaria,Newcastle virus .I put Sulfur in the grit and this helps to keep mosquitoes away. Water: to strengthen the immune system of your pigeons , give them garlic cloves soaked water once a week.Another good one is add apple cider vinegar to the water once a week. Lost Birds:Always try to return any Stray birds that you find. For one thing they don’t belong to you and the rightful owner is looking for them. Lofts: keep you lofts clean and disinfected, this keeps a healthier pigeons. Full Crop: Don’t train your pigeons with a full crop. Races: You can’t win all the time, congratulate other winners with a handshake. Be a good sport. Crowds: Don’t over crowd your lofts.Overcrowding leads to unhealthy conditions. Moisture: Keeping the pigeons dry will prevent them from getting sick . Moisture can cause all kinds of viruses . that’s a big problems.Keeping your loft and birds dry makes for a happier loft. Breeding: Birds should not go to nest before they are eight months of age, or a year old. Breeding hens too young can cause young hens to suffer from egg binding,this is painful, distressing and can kill the bird. Breeding: in-breeding is not for you if culling is something you can not do. Breeding: Breed in individual pens or cages for true results.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:41:59 +0000

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