This guy is in Paris drinking a cup of coffee he earned from - TopicsExpress


This guy is in Paris drinking a cup of coffee he earned from writing this? Seriously? Im in the wrong business. Id gladly buy him a ticket to the Donbas or Darfur to try and implement his vision. So the objective definition of a nationstate is up for selective, subjective re-definition? Wait, was he arguing toward stability, or international anarchy? I cant tell. The loss of the East represents an existential threat to Ukraine. If you concede the Gobry/Putin argument that the nationstate is mere territory and a contrivance, then Belarus, the Baltics, Finland, and some central Asian territory should be reclaimed as well. India, China, and Turkey among others would surely find such reasoning helpful for territorial aspirations of their own (Shhhh! dont tell Pakistan). Conflicts like the Senkaku Islands might also benefit from such enlightened thinking! How about applying this brilliant logic to all the contrived borders of Africa, the Middle East, South Asia? ... Heck, why stop there? Theres trans-border ethnic groups, and polyethnic nations all over the world! Yes, Its easy to sit in Paris and say Iraq or Ukraine have never been a nation. It appears to be a historically factual/moral high ground argument. But its high in other ways to. So what then? Shall we submit all those historical borders to renegotiations? Let me guess, you want play Picot and Ill pretend to be Sykes? or did you imagine a reboot of the UN partition process and an updated resolution 118? I actually imagine a dozen more ISIS knockoffs and a proliferation of Donbas terrorists. Somewhere Slobodan Milosovic is smiling. Gobrys logic validates every ethnic conflict ever, and the territorial aspirations of anyone with the balls and the brawn to make a grab. Have gone too long without a good ethnic bloodletting? Do we need a dozen more Ukraines, Sudans, Syrias, Iraqs in the world? Sheesh. theweek/article/index/267245/why-the-west-should-let-russia-have-eastern-ukraine
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 23:22:40 +0000

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