This happened to me today. I was in the station waiting for a - TopicsExpress


This happened to me today. I was in the station waiting for a train. I saw a train approaching and was getting ready to get on it. The train was real empty and I thanked god for saving me. But then, a police woman on the train hit me on my elbow with her lathe saying “it’s a ladies special”. “Dont you have the courtesy to inform me about the same? Never did the train read anywhere that it was a LADIES SPECIAL.”, I shouted at her in my mind. If I had shouted out loud, itd have meant what she did was right. Wouldnt have made a difference any way, the words “ALL GUYS ARE THE SAME” echoed in my mind. Being the larger part of the cities public transport using population, I bet these special trains are not of much importance. I then noticed a group of 25-30 young girls KNOWINGLY MISSING THE LADIES SPECIAL. They later joined me in the next crowded train in the general compartment. My question then was, “Why can’t they provide just 3 out of those 9 compartments just for men? Women are allowed to use the general compartments, yet have their own ladies only compartments! Many choose not to use these trains or those compartments any ways!” I decided to calm down and keep my mind shut. The train started to move. I noticed an extremely decent looking guy (I know. Looks are deceptive. That was why I kept watching him.), standing quite close to me, badly trying to talk on the phone. Near him stood to a lady. The crowd pushed him hard when the train stopped that he tripped and fell on her. He pleads her for what he did but never did she hear a word of what he spoke. She shouted out loud calling for help. And when a woman does that, never do guys ever care of what really had happened. They started beating him up. I ran to help him out only to be pushed out of the scene. People, I have a serious question now. The government/society takes such stern actions for women’s well-being, but do they really use it in the right way? Im not complaining, but look at what is actually happening out there! I am quite sure that the lady knew what had just happened! She could have surely avoided such an incident! But did she? GROW UP people. Never would I say that women are always wrong, but at such situations, god only knows of what they have in their mind! Not all of us have such attitudes towards women! We respect you!! Let me not write letters to the Prime minister but make an appeal to all my sisters to know the fact that not all of us are bad. NOTE: I stand against harassment of women and would be the first one to stand against guys who forge into such practices. Iron man.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:57:41 +0000

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