This has been an extremely difficult year for the FDR family. We - TopicsExpress


This has been an extremely difficult year for the FDR family. We have lost several wonderful fosters and many of our own precious furbabies as well. I am posting this in memory of the personal dogs and sanctuary foster dogs that my family and I lost this past year. To Dutchess, a sweet little girl that was diagnosed with mammary cancer, congestive heart failure, and epilepsy. You were one of FDRs very first rescues and the devastating news that we had only a few months with you was difficult to swallow. Two years later, cancer free and healthy we decided to give you the gift of a wonderful furever home. Your adoption was one of the hardest but we knew you deserved better and selflessly allowed you to have your own family. We learned, only 6 months later, that you had cancer again but this time it was in your brain. We lost you this year and although we were not able to be with you your last days; we though of you and prayed for you. You are now an angel in heaven looking down on us. You were part of our family for more than two years and we miss you every day. To Ally, my brave, sweet little angel. I miss you more than words can express and there is not one single day that passes that I dont think about you and how much joy you brought to my life. Your adorable bark and silly sparing sessions with Eric are embedded in my memory forever. Writing this paragraph is so painful because your departure was so unfair. I am angry and sad and lost, still, without you here. One day we will meet again and I will hug you and kiss you and never let you go. You left your paw print embedded on my heart furever. I love you Ally girl, I love you... To Baby, a little senior Maltese, dumped at a high-kill shelter along with your partner and companion, Cappuccino dachshund, who still resides with me. Losing you was not fair and far too sudden but maybe you felt safe and loved and decided it was okay to leave this earth and become an angel. I know that Cappuccino missed you and mourned your loss; we did as well. You must be the angel looking down on Cappuccino and the reason he survived. You truly are an angel in heaven as you were also one here on earth. To Louis, Lola and Kevin, the three of you were my tenacious and funny little ferrets. You all lived long and healthy lives and losing the three of you was difficult but I know it was your time and you are running free in ferret bliss just like you deserve. To Gunny, just a puppy but a puppy with a larger than life personality. Bless your little heart, you are missed as well. We deserved more time with you and you deserved to live a long life but that was not the plan. You are now furever an angel. To Sophie Bea, you were a fighter from the moment you were born. Unfortunately your body was not healthy enough to keep you going. I was lucky enough to have 8 weeks with you to love you and care for you. You showed me how to be strong and how to fight adversity. You were a tiny role model that knew more about life in the short time here in earth than most of us know in our lifetime. You will never, ever be forgotten. To Chip. my very first foster failure. I was doomed from the moment I saw you. You were the most majestic Iggy Id ever seen. Cancer took you so suddenly in October. There are days that it still feels like you never left. I see you still, out of the corner of my eye, running in the yard and playing with Jack. You were happiest when you were running, fast and free. I know you are doing that now and I am at peace thinking that you an Jack are together furever. To Cricket, my dear, sweet, foster baby girl and my closest friend, Jo Annes heart and soul dachshund. I knew that you would complete the Schweiger family but you would always be part of mine as well. You taught me so much during our time together and losing you on the same exact day, as my beloved Chip, well it was the most heart wrenching, sad, horrific, awful thing I think Ive ever experienced in my life. You are now an angel in heaven instead of on earth and I know that you are still looking over all my furbabies in heaven and here with us still. To Jack, my blind Iggy that I loved so much. You and Chip became soul mates and brothers and losing you just two weeks after Chip was so hard but I knew you would follow Chip anywhere. He was your guardian angel. I love you and miss you more than I will ever be able to say. You are the reason I found rescue and became the person I am today. Without you, Furever Dachshund Rescue would not exist. I will be eternally grateful to you. Run free with Chip without pain; just absolute freedom. I love you Jack Jack. To Walter, you, my friend, were stubborn and temperamental but you were mine and I loved you without hesitation. You deserved more time on earth to experience all the love I could have given you but you left too suddenly. I hope that you know how much I miss you and how I wish you could have been here with me for just a little longer. And finally to my boy Oscar. You came into rescue with so many health issues that we worked to heal. Everyday was a battle but you took it in stride and always made me laugh in spite of it. You finally got to that healthy place only to be taken from me in an instant. The only thing we could not fix was your heart. It may have been damaged physically but your heart was solid gold. I love you little man, you were my constant companion and I miss our nightly routine of battling for the best spot in bed. I always thought there would be more time but I was wrong. I miss you every day my Scur. Now you are my angel in heaven. Thank you to everyone for listening. ~Laura Coulombe, Chair
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:00:01 +0000

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