This has been an interesting 24 hrs. I went to emerg last night - TopicsExpress


This has been an interesting 24 hrs. I went to emerg last night because I had a strong pressure in my chest and some pain and all sorts of symptoms I did not like. Man it is really hard to make the decision to go. I am really glad I did. Funny enough it was the best hospital experience I have had. I am going to say now that everything is fine. I decided to go to Port Perry instead of Oshawa . I was in quickly and made to feel comfortable and relaxed in no time. Laughter and jokes relly help when you are stressed. Not sure what happened but they kept me over night and ran tests and did x rays. My blood sugar has been acting up so need to sort that out . Went up to pretty stupid numbers. They got me to see a cardiologist for a stress test this mornng and I am booked as a precaution for an ultrasound and 2 day stress test. Im exhaused tonight but have a great appreciation for that hospital. Especially my new friend Tracey :-) We talked dogs most the night . I still say it is the fact Ed is retiringin few weeks lol. He actually took pictures of e wired up and then shared them !! Guess I am not invincible ! Who knew lol Pretty nice to have a great going over and know things are pretty good. Never hesitate go
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 22:16:02 +0000

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