This has been another day of contrasts. We have had everything - TopicsExpress


This has been another day of contrasts. We have had everything from refineries to fields and woods to beaches. Roger Embling joined us last night and we set off this morning to walk round the Valero refinery. The path was very rural but the refinery loomed to our right for several miles and as we watched tankers filling and off-loading at the off-shore pipelines we reminisced about our days at BP, many years ago, when we were sending crude oil and products around the world. Once past the refinery we crossed the huge expanse of Angle Bay which still bears traces of the once huge BP oil terminal in its landscape. Low tide enabled us to cut across the estuary and we continued through fields and woodland to West Angle Bay, a small beach which sported a loo and a café. Both very welcome. At last we turned the corner and turned our backs on the seemingly endless Milford Sound. It has taken us the best part of 3 days to walk round and we not sorry to see the back of it. Immediately the scenery become more of the coastal variety to which we have become accustomed with rocky cliffs and heath like paths, some very steep up and down the inlets. We found a warm spot out of the wind to eat our sandwiches whereupon Roger delved in his backpack and produced - guess what – a bowl for of home grown raspberries! What a treat. A definite highlight. After this spoiling we continued until we came in sight of the huge expanse of Freshwater West beach. It is a glorious sight and after a bit of rock hopping we were soon striding along the beach enjoying the afternoon sun and the sound of the surf. As we approached the far end a whole pack of dogs on leads came on the beach with their owners. They turned out to be Italian Spinones and if there was one there must have been at least 15. They were gorgeous and after chatting to their owners for a while and photographing them they were all let off the lead at the same time and off they rushed running and leaping in and out of the sun, rolling in the sand and generally having a wonderful time. We watched them for a while before continuing on to our stopping place for today Castle Martin. We had to walk alongside the enormous firing range within sound of the tanks practising no doubt to shell the hell out of ISIS. This means that tomorrow we shall not be able to follow the path round St Govan’s Head as it closed because the range is live. Our host here in Pembroke Dock picked us up and tonight we are taking advantage of the fact that Roger has his car and going to sample the delights of Pembroke for supper. Today’s sound – Spinones barking in sheer delight of freedom.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 17:41:35 +0000

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