This has been making the rounds and Mr. Dad is getting lots of - TopicsExpress


This has been making the rounds and Mr. Dad is getting lots of pats on the back for explaining why some awful hateful person was so mean to his widdle sister and her Special Issue. Guess what? I think hes exactly what is wrong with some people who think their rights are more important than everyone else because they happened to birth the next Great Thing. Heres my take DAD: Your brother-in-law and your sister brought their baby to a ski resort not because hes this brilliant Brain Surgeon and this is the only place where he can perfect his skills but, because he can take a attend a couple of seminars and write his ski vacation off his taxes; doctors DO IT ALL THE TIME. Chew on that for a moment, someone who may have scrimped and saved to take a couple of days a year to ski had their vacation ruined by someone who got write off everything from the flight up to the hotel to every meal they ate. Did you miss the part where the baby screamed for two nights and prevented other people from sleeping? Are the people staying at this hotel any less deserving of sleep and understanding than your family? Ive flown on airplanes and stayed hotels with a very young baby and guess what? only the most self absorbed idiot would think that a screaming baby trumps everything around it so I made sure that I attended to my child. FYI, family resort means children are going to be in the common areas, it doesnt mean that people are going to have to hear crying babies at all hours of the night. There are ways to help a teething baby, hells bells, a one time popsicle or sucker isnt going to give your Special Issue ADHD but it may buy you (and everyone with earshot) enough time to calm the child down. Maybe instead of sending this Judgmental Letter, the author of it should have called the police and reported an unattended child because a baby who cries extensively is not being cared for and needs a welfare check.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:19:20 +0000

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