This has been possibly the best year our children have had at - TopicsExpress


This has been possibly the best year our children have had at Cheley Colorado Camps, not for their successes, but for the way they handled their disappointments, missed achievements and for the support shown to them by their friends and the staff at the camp. Of course, it was our Avas first real time away from home, 27 days in the mountains of Colorado, completed as a brave and happy child, a real achievement. She was one of two girls in the unit with short hair, and she was taking a fair amount of ribbing for it, which was upsetting her. The unit director, Meghan Griffith, cut off her long ponytail to join Ava in the short hair club, which ended the ribbing by example. What a selfless and kind action in support of a child, and great way to bring the entire unit together. Amazing! Ava missed her Circle of Stars Patch, which she worked on the entire session. She could not get into Riflery one day towards the end of her session as 13 girls picked it and their were only 11 spots. They drew straws, and she missed out. While she shed a tear, she was not bitter or angry, and she is determined to come back next year and get her patch. Showing some real insight by noting that she should not wait until the last riflery session to sign up. Really tremendous spirit on her part. Our Ivy missed her Out Camping Patch because she lost the sheet of requirements that were checked off by the counselors over the term and ended up missing a couple of requirements. The Out Camping Counselor, Brigitte Bushnell, gave Ivy an award for being the most helpful out camper and fire starter, putting a salve on the wound. Ivy handled the disappointment with grace, accepting the lesson of organization and vowing to overcome next year with more determination and attention to the requirements. Ivy has had years of great success and awards at camp, making her ability to accept the disappointment an even greater achievement. Their friends all offered their support to sooth the disappointment. Handling success is easy, but of course, life deals us disappointments and those of us who handle the defeats and move on with grace and with deeper determination to overcome our losses learn maybe lifes greatest lesson. The have lived the mission of the camp, We build the lasting character and resiliency of young people, creating unique life experiences in a challenging and nurturing natural environment. We could not be prouder of the way both our girls have handled their disappointments, and the love and support shown by there friends and the staff
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 00:08:49 +0000

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