This has to be said, because frankly, I am tired of seeing so much - TopicsExpress


This has to be said, because frankly, I am tired of seeing so much ignorance. The sheer amount of ignorance amongst those who profess themselves to be Christians is ridiculous. I see too many Christians still wanting to live according to the old covenantal laws that Jesus Himself already perfected while He was walking around in His physical body, going where His Father told Him to go, doing what He saw His Father doing. Jesus perfected the old covenantal law because He already knew that no person could, and that includes generations of people who would come after Him. What is seriously so difficult about accepting the reality that we are in a New Covenant, and have been ever since Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead in power, defeating death, hell and the grave? Why are there still so many professing Christians who do not understand this central truth? Could it be summed up to so many professing Christians being Biblically ignorant? I personally believe so. I also personally believe that so many professing Christians have never truly been filled with the Holy Ghost, but rather think they have just because they were dunked under water, and that meant they were supposedly filled with the Holy Ghost. Water baptism does not equate to being filled with the Holy Ghost, no more than saying the sinner’s prayer equates to truly being born again in Jesus. What has happened to so many people is you have been led astray into thinking that doing the outward things that appear to be “Christian” means that you are now a new creation spiritually speaking, and because you did these things in a building you call “church”, then you’re on your way to Heaven. No wonder God said in His Word that scarcely will the righteous be saved. What I want for those of you who do not yet understand what I have said thus far to do is to pray and ask God yourself to reveal Who He Is to you, because you obviously need to have an encounter with God that will shake your soul into being in right alignment with Him, and your spirit will thus be changed due to you truly acknowledging your need for Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. There is seriously way too much ignorance concerning core spiritual beliefs that God’s people need to have down in our spirits, and God’s not going to withhold His Judgment for too much longer. I oftentimes find myself asking God why certain things happen, but as soon as I ask Him, I automatically know why, and mostly it’s because of so many buying into religion of man and in so doing automatically choosing to leave behind what God actually said in His Word. Realize something right now: God’s not ever going to defend any man-made religion, no matter how true and right they may seem. What I want to know is, where are those who truly love Jesus and truly want Him? Where are those who truly believe what the Word of God says, even if you don’t fully understand intellectually why He said what He said in His Word? Where are those who truly do have the faith of a child that simply loves Him and loves people? The days and times in which we live require us to be bold and fearless in the faith we profess to have in Jesus, and if your faith is really in some man-made religious system, you will be the one who will be the most offended when Jesus returns and does not defend that religious system. You will be the one that will spit in His beautiful Face because you want your religious system more than you truly want Him, and all the while you will think you’re the one that’s right. What you have to realize is that any amount of ignorance that you allow to stay in your life will keep growing and growing until you choose to cut it off by asking God Who He really Is and asking the Holy Ghost to reveal the Word of God unto your heart. God expects for all of His Believers to be sober minded and alert, so if you’re going to call yourself a watchman on the wall, then that means you have to stay sober minded and alert so that you will be able to see what God is wanting to show you, and so that you will also be able to verbally express what He’s showing to you for the purpose of equipping those around you to know what is coming and how to properly respond.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:33:16 +0000

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