This image is from a spontaneous shoot while hanging out in - TopicsExpress


This image is from a spontaneous shoot while hanging out in Georgetown waterfront area of Washington, DC on yesterday (Sun) with a cousin and her three adolescent children while visiting from Dallas TX. I hadnt seen them in three years. This is the middle child, 14 years, who was rather obstinate about being photographed—in a hilarious way—and would literally turn his head away every time I tried to shoot him. This moment was captured soon after he picked up this blow flower type seed head of some sort - and was caught off guard. This image was actually cropped down a bit as it was a grab shot—but what I like is his natural expression and him being effectively being isolated from a very distracting background (with lamp posts, trash cans, and building details - although some decent foliage immediately behind subject). I am attaching a screenshot of the specs from File > Get Info, in Adobe Photoshop. This was shot with a manual focus 50 mm Nikon 50 ƒ1.2 lens, wide open - and speaks to why FAST lenses — are worth the investment, especially for portraits and fashion (especially outdoors). I am quite repetitive in this group about DEPTH OF FIELD - as I continue to see this is one area of growth needed by so many...and so few people seem to comment on this issue of sharply focused distracting background (and/or foreground) elements that serve no positive purpose for the image in question. We are all growing - but distracting backgrounds....folks pay attention. I love shooting wide open with fast lenses (for single subjects). Clearly, this technique is not relevant for every type of shoot. My admitted bias though!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:01:17 +0000

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