This indicates inside the tunnel below! Xander spoke out looking - TopicsExpress


This indicates inside the tunnel below! Xander spoke out looking up at his partner, Alex. Alex Street, a blonde guy with an athletic body. A recent addition to their force, a mysterious guy. To this day, it was puzzle to Xander that who recruited Alex. He always acted strange and wasnt much of Xanders choice as a partner but tonight he had no choice. He didnt get time or chance or authority to pick his partner. Everything was happening so fast and he had to do something. Something was better than nothing so he /was/ tagging up with Alex Street. Yeah. So we follow it. Right? Alex said in a interested voice. Yeah. We go down there. said Xander. He was wearing a black shirt with Black jeans and a thin sweat jacket, which was also black. You gotta wonder why this guy is always in black. Ironically, the Glock-22 pistol in his hand was also black. Alex was wearing Blue jeans and a grey sweater with a pair of tenis shoes. He pulled out his gun and loocked down through the way-down. Lets go ha? He(A) asked for Xanders approval. Xander looked back at the Chevy that they drove all the way down here. Yeah. Lets go. he said sliding his body down through the Manhole. He found the steel steps under his feet and stepped down untill he landed down the tunnel safely. After a second or two, he was followed down by Alex. Both of the men pulled out their torch from their pocket. If we get in trouble, it wont be easy to find us. We parked in a corner of the city and probably stepping towards a cave or mine.-xander thought to himself as he pressed the button of the torch, holding it in his left hand, with a tight grasp on his gun in the other hand. The sign that they followed, went right straight away. A strange and scary sign. Blood and occasionally strange scratch. Who knew what they were following! Probably the prey. Or the predator! We follow the sign, right..? Alex asked moving his torch.Yeah!-Xander simply said as he began to walk. Alex walked along with him. More like, followed him. It was dark, more than dark inside the tunnel. The manholes on top provided a little light(moonlight) but that wasnt no match compared to the darkness inside. Darn! It just keeps going! Xander said, a little depressed that he hadnt found any clue yet other than the sign they were following. Who knows what monster we are after! Alex said in a dramatic voice. Xander thought of saying something but decided to stay clam and silent and not to make an inane conversation. They kept walking. The torch in their hands were quite bright. The bright rays pierced through the heavy black covers of darkness and showed them the way. As well as the sign. Walking for almost seven minutes, they reached a T-spot. The sign went to left so obviously, they took the left way. The new tunnel was about 200 metres long and then it took a right turn. Then left, then right , then right again. Where the hell is this taking us? Xander mumbled. Someplace good I hope.-said Alex. Someplace good. I doubt that-xander thought. Suddenly the other end of the tunnel looked confusing. Projecting his torch towards that way, Xander realized that there was a cross road (X-shaped) ahead. Good thing that the tunnel was dry and good. Except for the rats, which were pretty big in size. Three of those rats could overpower any kitty. Oh Damn! Crossroad! -xander thought. His sixth-sense said that the crossroad wasnt a good place, he didnt know why. Lets not stop... -Alex hurried him from behind. What the hell. Lets go.-X thought as he grasped tighter on his gun and held his torch in shoulder-length. He walked a slow cat walk(without making any sound) and stepped forward towards the X-spot. The blood-sign went straight away but something else caught his sight, something small but solid, perhaps made of metal. The small object was caught in the bright rays of his object. He walked to it. It layed sort of at the centre of the cross-tunnel. Reaching near it, he kneeled to examine it. Its a pen! He picked it up and stood back. Whats that? Alex asked from behind. Its a ... he started but stopped suddenly, noticing few other silhouttes around, approching them from the other ways of the tunnels. The cross-tunnel really was a bad place! His sixth senses were right. ....its a pen! Xander finished his line as he raised his gun, ready to defend himself from the intruders. And then just like a flash, he remembered that he had seen that pen before. In Alexs hand and pocket. That means he had been there in that tunnel before and probably dropped the pen! Its a trap! Its your! -xander tried to say as he turned around to confront Alex Street but couldnt finish. Before he could even turn around, something solid hit him in the back of the head. He figured that probably Alex hit him with something, either a pipe or the handle of his gun. The hit was a hard one. Enough to knock him out. Xander saw some flash of red-ble-yellow infront of his eyes and then everything dark. Before he passed out, he could think of only one thing. Alex was a traitor! The inner leak or link!. He was hunted down. By The TROZAN HORSE!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 12:57:04 +0000

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