This initial manifestation is reflected to a yogi in the subtle - TopicsExpress


This initial manifestation is reflected to a yogi in the subtle dot form. It is for this reason Yashoda visualized the macrocosm within the mouth of Bhagavan Krishna and Arjuna also after visualizing the macrocosm stated -- “within your cavern all human beings are entering like moths.” All these are the manifestation of the greater Kutastha to a yogi. Not during Satyayuga or Tretayuga but towards the latter end of Dvaparayuga why did Bhagavan narrate the Gita? Was not Gita knowledge necessary from Satyayuga to the near end of Dvaparayuga? In actuality if Gita is regarded as a scripture it is incorrect, Gita is Divine Knowledge. Prior to composing the Gita this knowledge surely existed, but was not incorporated in the form of a scripture. The necessity to retain knowledge in the form of a scripture arises only when the knowledge declines amidst men. But when that knowledge exists amidst nearly all, then scripture is unnecessary. In this manner when that Gita - knowledge gradually declining due to onslaught of time or due to the retrogression of Prana vibration of the world, became almost obsolescent, only then did Bhagavan Krishna re-narrate it. Gita-knowledge can never attain total obsolescence ; it is knowledge eternal !
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:08:55 +0000

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