This is 2015!! Find your place.... Stay there.. Kola loved - TopicsExpress


This is 2015!! Find your place.... Stay there.. Kola loved music from his mothers womb, he would make noise round the entire house making his parents wonder what his problem was, everything he found was an avenue for music from his mums back to his eating spoon he just wont stop. Kola grew to be about 9-10 years and he would always love to sneak to the churchs music area but the problem was that kids were not even allowed into the main auditorium, still kola would devise a means, he would pretend as though he wanted to meet his parents but no! He would go the music area but any time he was found he was both rebuked and sent away. This made kola sad but also made his Dad get him a home tutor. Years went by and Kolas parents were posted to a new area, and the church was very small so everybody worshipped in the same hall, they didnt even have an instrumentalist so the with the little kola knew he was like the king.. So kola begun playing and improving and learning other instruments.. He was very useful to the church until his university days.. Kola had attended university, read microbiology and came out, but his music was still in him.. So he was still playing for his home church. One day there was an international artist coming for a concert and there was audition for music guys to play for him.. To Kolas suprise, before they hear you play the first question was who do you play for? And where have you played? When kola mentioned his church, the question was.. Sorry, where is that? with laughter . Kola was sad and decided to change to a big church.. Kola went to one of the biggest churches in the state. They were 6 keyboardist there already but kola didnt mind, he was to stay for 3 months before playing during service still kola didnt mind, when he begun playing. Kola would only play at most twice a month for like 5 mins As the background keyboardist during hymns and opening prayers still kola didnt mind, he just wanted to have the feeling that this is where he plays. This lingered for a while, even kola was getting very rusty and he knew it.. But he was just basking in the euphoria of saying I am a keyboardist at this church. One of those days, one of Kolas friend who played the Sax and also left that church at a time called on kola to come help out in their church as the keyboardist had a problem with the pastor.. So kola decided to go since no one will even notice his absence because as at that time the church keyboard guys had grown to like 9 and only 3 can play at any given time.. That fateful Sunday, kola got to the church, from outside, when he saw the size, his heart shook, he imagined the kind of poor instruments they had and the rest.. But to his amazement, the keyboard they had was even the same with one of what his big church had. Kola stepped in.. Even body addressing him as sir, welcome what do you need?. By the second service, kola was already having a good time its been a while he enjoyed play time like this.. He was already saying in his mind, that he doesnt mind paying his own transport to come here and play for free.. As the 3 services were over.. Kola felt like Micheal Jackson for some minutes.. Every one was coming around to say thank you for coming, God bless you, I like your play, hope you would come next week. He was all smiles, grinning from teeth to teeth when the pastor called on him.. The pastor thanked him so much for coming, told him about the arrogance of the last keyboardist, even told him how few of the people they called were asking for salary before they show face. He now asked kola politely I know we maybe be inconveniencing you, but can you work with us for a Lil salary of 50k a month ? I know its small but I dunno if you can help us manage? kola was agape for like 30 seconds( his big church wasnt paying coins self) .. Kola joined the music team not because of the money but because he had found a place That suits him, where he could spread his wings, where he could grow, where he was celebrated . Today kola is in his 3rd year studying music in the London school of arts, UK. Guess who is his Sponsor? A member of his new church( without Kolas asking).... It is said that you put yourself were you are celebrated and not tolerated.. Only then can your potentials blossom! #Shalom
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:10:07 +0000

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