This is Beverly posting: I realize this is a lot of personal - TopicsExpress


This is Beverly posting: I realize this is a lot of personal information but I also know theres been a lot of discussion as to how I could be pregnant and not know so to eliminate confusion that many of our Facebook friends are probably feeling I feel compelled to explain the circumstances leading up to our new discovery. Since turning 40 (2) years ago my cycles have been extremely irregular. My mom went through menopause at 40 and her mom did as well so of course with irregular cycles I immediately thought I was going through menopause. When I no longer had a period (the last week of May) I actually thought I was done!! I have had no pregnancy symptoms whatsoever and have felt great. On the evening of October 4th I felt what I thought could be fetal movement. I prayed for God to give me some clarity on my next move so the next morning I woke up with the strongest urge to take a pregnancy test. I rolled over, kissed my hubby and said good morning, Im going to get a pregnancy test. Needless to say I had Marks attention! The test was positive and I was overwhelmed with a mixture of excitement and worry. Excitement because we always wanted more children and Cassie has always wanted a sibling but worry because I am not at the ideal age to be pregnant. Mark was my rock and comforted me through it all and assured me that we would be just fine and that it was a blessing and it definitely is!! We went to the Dr. today and based on my exam and the date of my last period she is estimating that I am 21 weeks along with a due date for March 2nd. Because of my age I am high risk so my Dr. is referring me to an Advanced Maternal Age Dr. to have all my ultrasounds. The first available appointment they had was November 3rd. With an ultrasound they will be able to confirm the due date and the gender and yes we will find out the gender!! I understand some of you have had a nice little chuckle about us starting over at our age but we are thrilled! Mark is the absolute best husband and father in the world and we get to share all of our love with a new little miracle! Our first beautiful miracle will be 17 on November 6th and she is thrilled with the idea of being a big sister! God is so good!! I have faith that He will provide us with another perfectly healthy baby but considering my age and the risks involved I will take all the prayers we can get!! Thank you!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 02:02:28 +0000

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