This is CHURCH according to Acts of the Apostles 4:32.. all the - TopicsExpress


This is CHURCH according to Acts of the Apostles 4:32.. all the brethren were United in heart and spirit. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had.... I worship in a what some may refer to as a big church where you may get lost in the crowd. But then in that crowd, I belong to a small group where I serve. In that group, I have come across people with needs and whose needs will not be met by occasional handouts. So in that small group, some people formed a smaller group unbeknown to other members. They drop something small every month. Bits and pieces of cash in a bank account. They had a target; To empower members. Give them no-interest soft loans. They kept on dropping their bits and pieces. Four Saturdays ago, training began. Baking/confectioneries Soap and detergent making Disinfectants Deodorants and odour control stuff. Two Saturdays ago, I got to the venue of the meeting in the rain and met the crowd. They defied the heavy downpour and turned out en mass. Some women strapped their babies to their backs. I saw some young men who said they were unemployed. Flour weeks gone. The trainees are graduates! What you see above is their first assignment. The detergents and other stuff could not not be brought to this venue. The blue cake particularly tripped me. The lady who baked it is a widow. She had shared a testimony in the group of how she and her children were miraculously provided food by a good Samaritan on a day when they didnt know where their next meal was going to come from. Today, she looked radiant as she showcased her cake. Some others say they are finding it hard to meet demands for liquid detergents. If you come across any product with the label DAILY, its authentic, its a product of this seed. As they all shared their stories, I sat there quietly, moved to tears at the new lease of life for these people. The excitement on the faces I saw today is so gratifying and rewarding. I realized that It doesnt take so much to reach out if we just start... This is church! Church the way it should be; the Acts of the Apostles way. ..The JESUS way! Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:47:27 +0000

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