This is CRAZY.. A letter from Senator Rand Paul. Dear Concerned - TopicsExpress


This is CRAZY.. A letter from Senator Rand Paul. Dear Concerned American, Going up against the FULL FORCE of government power isnt easy. But thats exactly what Lavabit founder Ladar Levison decided to do when he shut down his secure email company rather than hand over customers personal information to Barack Obamas snoops. And even though hes lost his main source of income, Ladar Levison is fighting back. I believe his legal battle is a key part in our shared fight to restore our Fourth Amendment freedoms. So please read Ladars email below and take action IMMEDIATELY. In Liberty, Rand Paul, MD U.S. Senator (R-KY) Dear Concerned American, Say whats really going on, and go to jail! Ever since I made the decision a few weeks ago to shut down my secure email company Lavabit - instead of becoming complicit in our federal governments crimes against the American people - thats the situation Ive been living under every day. Unfortunately - even with all the media attention - I have to answer most questions about what our federal government is up to (and what Im facing) with an Im sorry, I cant tell you. Of course, the First Amendment should protect my political speech so our government cant commit crimes in secret. But it seems the statists in Washington, D.C. have targeted every last bit of our Constitution for outright destruction. Im determined to FIGHT back. Im determined to defend the Constitution and restore our Fourth Amendment right to privacy. But going up against the full force of government power is hard. If theres anything the Feds have, its no shortage of lawyers! And I cant tell you what it would mean to me to have Campaign for Libertys members and supporters standing with me in this fight. Thats why Im hoping I can count on you to sign your Statement of Support for my efforts today. Ill give you the link shortly . . . My hope is, once other tech companies see hundreds of thousands - or perhaps even millions of Americans - standing for privacy, more will be willing to stand alongside me and say NO! to crimes against our Constitution. Thankfully, Campaign for Liberty is already fighting in Congress for the protection of our Fourth Amendment freedoms. Theyve also graciously agreed - with your generous support today - to rush to my legal aid, as well. My attorney and I couldnt be more grateful. Since shutting down Lavabit, Ive lost my main source of income. Without the financial support of good folks like you, I have no idea how Ill be able to see this legal fight through. But Im not walking away. I cant. Its just too important. Im fighting back because its the right thing to do. Not only that, but it could provide the spark you and I need to create a massive grassroots fire under Congress to get them to finally start respecting our Constitution once again. In 2004, I started the company that would become Lavabit because I believed then, as I do now, privacy is a fundamental and important right for any free society. Like many Americans, I believed our right to privacy was being slowly eroded. Only now are you and I seeing how true those concerns were. As of just a few weeks ago, more than 400,000 people used my email service. 10,000 of those paid for my companys enhanced security features including encryption. Today, that number is 0. I wish I could explain more . . . I wish I could explain why. But thanks to the Obama administrations iron-fisted bullying, I cant. I know the national security statists tell us - as they DESTROY every last bit of our privacy - if were not doing anything wrong, we shouldnt have anything to worry about. Yet, they keep every detail of their massive, ILLEGAL, and growing surveillance program hidden in secret. If they have nothing to hide, why not allow for transparency and civilian oversight? Its so secret, much of what our federal government does now has never been exposed to Congressional OR Court oversight. I believe thats for good reason. Once exposed, it would only be a matter of time before the American people said, NO MORE. Friend, for the sake of our Constitutional Republic, thats exactly what we must do. We must say NO MORE! to the constant erosion of our freedoms. Ive already mentioned how I hope seeing so many people signing Statements of Support for my efforts will embolden more tech companies to say NO! to government bullying. Theres no doubt, this will be a crucial step to winning this fight against violations against our Fourth Amendment freedoms. But ultimately, the ONLY way you and I can restore our Constitutions Fourth Amendment is to fight both in the courts and the halls of the U.S. Congress. I believe my legal battle is a key part. Thankfully - with your help - Campaign for Liberty has generously agreed to help out in any way possible. In fact, your generosity today will help my legal efforts AND Campaign for Libertys ongoing legislative programs, which are every bit as important. Campaign for Liberty is the one organization with the principles and the tenacity to finally repeal statist schemes like the so-called PATRIOT Act, which lies at the heart of all this madness. But theyre counting on your help to make it possible. The good news is, the political environment to restore American freedom is finally being created as new NSA abuses come to light, including: *** NSA analysts spying on lovers, former spouses and love interests; *** Nearly 18,000 domestic phone records were checked by the NSA, but only 1,935 were based on a reasonable suspicion standard the agency purports to abide by; *** Roughly 90% of the phone numbers on the daily alert list constantly under watch by the NSA DO NOT conform to the NSAs own standards for suspicion; *** Reports indicate the NSA has collected information on 75% of domestic Internet communications. Worse, many of the NSAs abuses were self-reported, meaning we only know about the illegality they want us to know about. What else are they hiding? Just in the past few days, news broke the NSA shares raw spy data on American citizens - perhaps even including government officials communications - with at least a half dozen foreign governments! I know theres more to come. With this kind of spying power, the NSA can create massive databases including personal information on EVERY single American . . . Political leanings. Religious beliefs. Gun ownership. You name it. Is this the America we want for ourselves, let alone for future generations? This madness has to stop. Our Constitution must be saved. But friend, Im counting on you.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:25:42 +0000

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