This is Corrina! She is very self conscious of showing her photos - TopicsExpress


This is Corrina! She is very self conscious of showing her photos but she wanted to share her story! She did not take any photos of her body before hand however this is what she is sharing with us! She has done wonderful! My name is Corrina. Back in 2007, I had gained a lot of weight due to taking some medication to try and treat my grand-mal seizures. My weight had reached its peak. I weighed 320 lbs. My self-esteem was very low. I eventually got off of the medication I was taking, I honestly dont remember the name of it. Once I got off the medication, I started eating healthier because I learned I had type II diabetes. So I have to start eating a healthier diet and started physical therapy because the seizures had caused me to become partially paralyzed. After four years of physical therapy, which I did in the pool, I started slowly losing weight. Once I gained my mobility back, I started walking. Taking daily walks, (which I still do), and walking any where I could, even if it was just around the house or going to do errands. Doing that alone I had lost 48 pounds. Then I hit a major plateau. I didnt gain anymore weight but I stopped losing. I was so disappointed. I tried everything I could to lose more weight. I researched and researched. Nothing was working. My progress had completely halted. The I came across a weight loss support group. Thats when I met my friend Linda. She told me about this product called Skinny Fiber. I was skeptical, of course. I was afraid of buying it and finding out it wasnt going to work. She worked it out to where I won a free bottle. So my first bottle was completely free. After that, I was hooked. I started losing inches and then within a month a few pounds. I said, there is no way Im giving this product up. I had more energy. I wasnt hungry as often as I used to be, and I could sleep better. I have been on Skinny Fiber for 7 months now. Ive lost a total of 17 pounds and three clothing sizes since being on Skinny Fiber. To me, that is AMAZING. I was in that plateau for so long, I thought I would be stuck and I would never get to move forward. Boy was I ever wrong. I can honestly say Skinny Fiber has changed my life. My results may seem small to you but for me theyre huge! I may be a slow loser, but Id rather have slow progress than no progress. I am still a work in progress, but I know with Skinny Fiber, I will reach my weight loss goals! Give Skinny Fiber a try. I guarantee all you have to lose is weight!!!!! Order yours today at psramos01.sbc90
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 10:16:54 +0000

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