This is Epic... Traffic Cops caught by ACB! The Begumpet - TopicsExpress


This is Epic... Traffic Cops caught by ACB! The Begumpet traffic police who were on surprise checks to catch the drunken drivers were themselves surprised when the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) officials swooped on them on Saturday night and seized unaccounted money Rs.16,440 from them. ACB officials conducted the surprise check at a traffic police check point put up in front of Begumpet police station as part of its weekly drink-driving checking. At the time, a team of eleven members led by Begumpet traffic, Additional Inspector A. Srinivas was on duty catching hold of motorists driving after drinking. The raid was conducted by a team led by ACB Deputy Superintendent of Police (City) S.K. Chandrasekhar, who said they acted on complaints received against the traffic policemen collecting bribes. “Our personnel recovered an unaccounted sum of Rs.16,440 from them. They failed to give a satisfactory explanation when we enquired about the source of money,” he said. Officials believe that the money was collected from motorists during the checking. ------------------ Vehicles detained ------------------ Norms say that the traffic police were not supposed to issue challans or collect money from those caught for driving in intoxicated state, but only detain their vehicles and send them home. -------------------- ‘Part of the salary’ -------------------- A few policemen told the ACB officials that the money recovered from them was part of their salary, which they kept to buy groceries for the month. “As per the rules, the Station House Officer should record the details of personal cash of the policemen in a register when they report for duty. A separate register is maintained at the police station for the purpose,” explained Mr. Chandrasekhar. We will send a detailed report to the government for necessary action,” he added. --------- Appeal --------- The ACB appealed to the general public to pass on any information about instances of corruption on 94404 46109 and 94404 46134.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:09:07 +0000

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