This is Famine one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse talking - TopicsExpress


This is Famine one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse talking to Dean in season 5, episode 14 of supernatural. This is a pretty powerful scene with a potentially large take away for the viewer, depending on how deeply they want to analyze themselves, their world, and the way of life everybody on earth is subjected to. I see how every single one of us is equally dead inside; And we just keep fighting, just keep going through the motions hoping our lives can mean something in the end. But that is ultimately up to you, my friends. I fight this world because I can, I dont know if Im correct; But I know Im morally right, and that reinforces me in a way which I had forgotten for 15 years. I might just be going through the motions in my life, but I know that I am combating an ever weakening evil! Spreading global awareness to my little corner of the universe, and doing everything I can to convince people; That you do indeed all individually have the power to change the world, and it starts with changing yourselves. You might be dead inside; But you just keep going through the motions because you have to believe that some day, the generations after you will defend justice out of principle, not out of a defense mechanism induced by injustices. We can cultivate a world of health and acceptance with virtually no borders, no injustices to life, for them. No generation before us could do it; But we can. So many of us have been around enough evil, to know good when we see it. And those of us who are dead inside; We will fight to our last preventing the death of good in the world! Because that is the only way to save the good in ourselves! We are not dead inside because we can still go through the motions, that is the saving grace of humanity!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:53:44 +0000

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