This is Fox Dot Com (coolest name ever right?!?). hes my rising 9 - TopicsExpress


This is Fox Dot Com (coolest name ever right?!?). hes my rising 9 year old thoroughbred by National Assembly, out of the Russian Fox mare Fox Room. I bought Fox over the internet, after only having seen a few photos of him, but something about the handsome scrawny little gelding caught my eye (other than his price which worked just damn fine for me)... when he arrive in Jozi after a long travel from P.E. i knew i was going to have a long exciting journey with this boy. a week after i got him i was trotting him around the arena in a halter bareback (I didnt have a saddle yet) and we were all so surprised by how chilled he was. he must have read our minds because when we placed a pole in front of him he decided chilled wasnt his thing and he became the closest thing to a psychopath in horse form you will ever have the fortune of seeing... He reversed, half passed, even piaffed over the damn poles but he refused to go over in any form of normal fashion, proving that he is truly my horse because i hate normal... After moving yard his personality really came out. he was hot and excitable when ridden, bucking and bronking and careering about as if he was a wild stallion of note. but on the ground he was like a puppy dog (some kids even acted like he was a dog). if i ate it, he ate it... still does... Fox has eaten a hamburger i left next to his stable by mistake and he often begs me for a sip of my coke. He has a boyfriend, the yards massive shire horse Troy, and they love each other dearly... Lunging the big lump can be quite hard because if you step to much to the side or make a jumping movement he will come into the circle for a hug. i may have accidentally taught him that. my bad. but for all the craziness that is my horse he is still incredibly awesome. i can ride him in a neckstrap, he jumps like a breeze now (he goes forwards... fast... but forwards), he only bucks sometimes and absolutely everyone who has met him loves him. he is tolerant of my eccentricities and lets me abuse him by putting weird things on him and pretending hes a cow horse... and he lets me take him for bareback night rides without killing me. I love my big brown dog, and i hope and pray he will stay with me forever (or as close to that as we can medically get away with)...
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:22:14 +0000

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