This is GODS promise to you this coming week, that HE will betroth - TopicsExpress


This is GODS promise to you this coming week, that HE will betroth you to HIMSELF in righteousness, as you decide to do what is right before HIM, and any crooked way in your life, you ask HIM to help you change completely from it. In justice HE will be with you, and will judge your enemies as you judge yourself concerning wherever you have sinned, acknowledge it, repent from it, and always accepting your faults and mistakes humbly, and changing from it. In steadfast love towards you throughout this week. GODS love and mercy precedes HIS anger and judgement. HE loves us, and cares for our welfare, because HE created us. Walk also in HIS steadfast love, forgiving one another, helping one another, and being merciful to those who had offended us. HIS steadfast love and mercy follows you as you merit likewise unto others. This coming week, may GODS righteousness, justice, steadfast love, and mercy abounds upon you, and follow you. GOD bless you! Hosea 2:19 AMP. And I will betroth you to Me forever; yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:35:21 +0000

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