This is Great Britain as i see it today. We have our children who - TopicsExpress


This is Great Britain as i see it today. We have our children who cant get jobs, we have our elderly who have to choose to eat or heat during the winter months, we have our health service broken, our education system broken, our social housing system broken, we have no money yet we give billions a year to the EU, foreign aid and benefits for immigrants, we have allowed access and in 3 weeks time will be allowing further access into this country to foreign murderers, rapists and third world savages who have been grooming and raping our children for the last 10 or so years and that has been swept under the carpet by our government for fear of being branded racist. We had Lee Rigby murdered by Somalian Muslims on the streets of our capital, we had the London bombings carried out by Muslims, we have them burning poppies and shouting death to our soldiers whilst stood on the side of our streets. We have mosques going up in places where you would never even be allowed to build a church and a prime minster who says British people need to integrate more with the Muslim way of life. No wonder i and the majority of the people of this country are pissed off, it holds no future for us and even less of a future for our children. Our Government does not own this country, WE DO, it is ours and they are simply elected by us to look after it in OUR own interest. For that they have failed miserably and have let the people of this once great country down. JESUS CHRIST, i think we have every right to be pissed off. Was Enoch Powell right? On the evidence above, i would tend to agree he was. RIP Great Britain.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:20:38 +0000

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