This is HUGE. Politico is reporting that -- in response to - TopicsExpress


This is HUGE. Politico is reporting that -- in response to passionate progressive opposition led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and organizations like Democracy for America and CREDO -- Wall Street crony Antonio Weiss has withdrawn his name from consideration for a key Treasury Department post. This is a momentous victory for the Warren Wing of the Democratic Party. Wall Street threw everything they had at us. But through Warrens leadership and the amazing activism of progressives across the country -- including the 58,743 DFA members who signed our anti-Weiss petition -- weve proven that together we can take on special interests and WIN. Tonights victory shows why so many in the Democratic Party are hungry for Elizabeth Warren to run for president. Not only can Senator Warren marshall the grassroots energy to achieve what too many in Washington say is impossible, but if she were president Wall Street bankers wouldnt be at the helm of our economic policy in the first place. Thats why DFA is taking a big step forward in our Run Warren Run campaign to draft Elizabeth Warren for president. In partnership with MoveOn and with the support of DFA members, were launching a powerful on-the-ground grassroots campaign this Saturday in New Hampshire -- where the first presidential primary in the nation will take place in 2016. Chip in $3 now so Run Warren Run can organize supporters in New Hampshire and across the country to show Elizabeth Warren that she has the support she needs to win the White House. We want Elizabeth Warren to run because shes shown that she can win big fights against entrenched special interests. But we need her to run and win because we need a president who will refuse to let special interests and Wall Street bankers run our economic policy in the first place. For too long, too many Democratic leaders have allowed themselves to be convinced by wealthy donors to support policies that hurt the middle class. Working families simply cant afford for that trend to continue. It needs to end NOW. With the defeat of the Antonio Weiss nomination, weve proven that we can beat Wall Street. Now we need to nominate a leader who will stand up for Main Street no matter what. Show Elizabeth Warren that if she runs, youll have her back. Chip in $3 to help us launch the Run Warren Run campaign in New Hampshire and across the country right now. Thanks for being a part of the Warren Wing of the Democratic Party. This victory wouldnt have been possible without you! - Eden Eden James, Political Director Democracy for America
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:49:10 +0000

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