This is How the Story Goes Once upon a time, in a land down - TopicsExpress


This is How the Story Goes Once upon a time, in a land down under, lived a Kingdom of Christian people who were warm and peaceful. All were happy and content until one day a pasty, wimpy Queen (Rudd) stepped onto the throne. Having no idea how to rule an empire he was quickly overthrown by an evil witch (Gillard) and banished. Being a hideous hag that she was, she swiftly had the draw bridge lowered to allow menacing, sinister vultures (boat people) to enter, raping and pillaging the good people of the land, whilst her court jester (Swan) circled the moat. As she sat in her counting house, counting out her money, donning a black, cowled robe (Burqa) cackling, she planned her foul deeds. The vultures overlooked the Christians, hissing and spitting and demanded that they bowed to their new god (Allah) and how dare they insult their ways and beliefs. The Christians became very restless and decided to be rid of the cold, cruel, insipid and ugly wicked witch and her blood sucking vultures once and for all. They placed a pigs heart upon the throne and the vultures sensing death was imminent fled the Kingdom never to return. Feeling uncertain and no longer protected by her cronies (Labour party senators) the wicked witch retreated to her parlour (the White House) but the Christians captured her and charged her with treason. She was then thrown into the dungeon and left to rot in hell. The people of the land lived happily ever after.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:21:34 +0000

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