This is Informative...all of this has been Heavy on My - TopicsExpress


This is Informative...all of this has been Heavy on My regards to ISISs Persecution etc... this is talking about Info that was received about Attacks Planned against OUR MILITARY.... I have tried to Pray for this situation Many times....but really have not known exactly what to Pray.....This gives you Points on how to PRAY for it......... Thank you LORD......I come into AGREEMENT with these PRAYERS.... For the nation, by CINDY JACOBS URGENT! ISIS Organizing to Attack Active Duty US Military and their Families Sunday, September 21, 2014 Concerned governmental sources have called for prayer over information they just received that ISIS sleeper cells in the United States are organizing in a coordinated effort to attack active US military and their families. A confidential government source called BridgeBuilders President Hal Sacks on Saturday night with the news and plea for prayer. He told Sacks, We were briefed last night by the Air Force that 3 or 4 days ago ISIS put out a call to all of the sleepers or underground ISIS members in the United States to start an organized attack against the active duty military and their families. The Air Force spokesperson was firm about it as being a real threat, the source said. However, the Executive Administration is discounting the information brought forth in this and other briefings. The source said they also were briefed that military intelligence has been uncovering a pattern of cell phone chatter. They are discovering cell-towers across the US that appear to be dormant and are not claimed by any of the governments agencies used for surveillance, such as often done by the NSA. It is not confirmed but these cell-towers could be hacked into by organizations like ISIS to listen in and coordinate, the source said they were told in the briefing. A law enforcement bulletin obtained by FoxNews warned that Islamic State fighters have increased calls for lone wolves to attack U.S. soldiers in America in recent months, citing one tweet that called for jihadists to find service members addresses online and then show up and slaughter them. This is part of what is expected to be a continued call for American military personnel to be targeted within the United States. Thursday CNN reported that a former CIA officer said he has no doubt Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells are already planted on U.S. soil. Former CIA officer Bob Baer told CNN,I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country, he said. However Homeland Security News Wire reports there are considerable discrepancies in the information brought forth from U.S. intelligence services regarding the strength of the Islamic State (IS) in the US . This has led critics to the conclusion that the U.S. intelligence community knows little about the terrorists actual strength as the Obama Administration is in the process of developing the military strategy to defeat the Islamist organization. In recent days members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have begun to speak out about the threat of ISIS. One such statement came last week: This is a terrorist group the likes of which we havent seen before, and we better stop them now, said Senator Bill Nelson (D-Florida) last week. It ought to be pretty clear when they start cutting off the heads of journalists and say theyre going to fly the black flag of ISIS over the White House that ISIS is a clear and present danger. As Christians we must take this threat seriously! God can thwart this and any terrorist threat against our nation if we will fervently call upon Him (2 Chron. 7:14). PRAY: • Pray for President Obama like never before!! He is president during one of the most dangerous times for America and the world and needs our fervent prayers every day. Father God, we pray that President Obama would receive accurate information about the strength, location, and plans of ISIS on American soil. We pray he will have good understanding with real and grave certainty the threat the Islamic state is to this nation and act appropriately in protecting our nation. Give him godly wisdom and bold courage to be an effective commander- in- chief in this time of war. • Pray for wisdom and strategy for the US Congress, Homeland Security, and the US Military: Father, we pray for our leaders in Congress, Homeland Security and our military to be awake at their posts, armed with accurate and clear intelligence in order to take fast and decisive action against ISIS or any other terrorists before their plots are hatched. Give our leaders godly wisdom, consensus, and coordinated strategies from heaven to defeat our ISIS enemy. • Pray for the Exposure of ISIS plots: Father we pray there is nothing covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be made known (Matthew 10:26). Expose the whereabouts of ISIS and all terrorist sleeper cells and stop their plans before they can act. • Pray protection over our US Military personnel and their families. Father, we pray a hedge of protection around our military and their families. We appropriate Your promises in Psalm 91 that our military and their families will be safe under Your wings. Deliver them from the evil schemes and traps of their enemies. Station Your angels around their homes and vehicles. Watch over them, their spouses, children, and grand children as they go from place to place in their daily lives. • Pray for the protection of public places where military personnel and their families may go: Father God, we pray for the protection of our military, their families, and all people in churches, schools, sporting events, transit systems, and other public places that would be a target for terrorists. We declare no evil will come upon men, women, or children in such gatherings and that You uncover and bring to an end every evil plot. • Pray for the protection of US Military bases. If you live near or your church is near a military base, begin ongoing prayer meetings for the protection of the base and its personnel. Father, put our military bases on high alert. May no one with evil intent get past their guards. Give those watchmen at their posts supernatural discernment and alertness. Help them to see and stop anything or anyone who brings a threat of danger. Expose and thwart every evil plan aimed at our military bases or their personnel. Sources: 1. Confidential government source phoned to Hal Sacks, Saturday, September 20, 2014 2. Terrorism: US Intelligence Leaders Unclear On Exact Danger Posed by ISIS, Homeland Security News Wire, September 19, 2014 3. Winter, Jana, Urging Jihad Attacks on US Soil, FoxNews, September 18, 2014 4. Rutland, Meredith, Bill Nelson Looks to Give Obama Authority to Bomb Islamic State in Syria, The Florida Times-Union, September 3, 2014. 5. Burke, Cathy, Ex-CIA Officer: There are ISIS Sleeper Cells in the Country, NewsMax, August 21, 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:48:39 +0000

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