This is Joshua Mok, President of your 31st JCRC, Sports Secretary - TopicsExpress


This is Joshua Mok, President of your 31st JCRC, Sports Secretary of your 30th JCRC, and this is my final address. Dear Joy Leow, Today I pass to you a fortress. The hall and myself have entrusted you to be our good steward. But before you begin, I want you to remember a couple of things. This fortress does not have any walls. So be Strong, for you must become its shield. Be brave, because the task before you is difficult. But the people behind you are dauntless. They will need your courage to guide theirs. Remember also to be compassionate, for a true leader always listens. Even when nobody is saying anything. Use your heart for this one. Your ears might fail you. But be Swift too because the people in this fortress are always first off the mark. They itch to move forward. You must be the person they can chase after. And when not all are like that, you must be patient. For the world is beautiful because the world is different. Not all will agree with you. Strive to understand people by understanding their opinions. They just might reward you with respect. Lastly, be yourself. We know you Joy. Maybe not everyone, but very soon most of us will. You are already all of the things I have mentioned. This was always only a reminder. Pour your heart into this place, this fortress. We are already gathered, waiting for your banner call. _________________________________________________ To the residents I have served and given everything to for the past two years, Thank you. To the Man who coerced me into beginning this journey, Kenneth Khing, your heart for the people to whom you gave your talents to, is your greatest accomplishment. You danced, you sang, you swam, you ran, you filmed, you administrated, you over-accomplished and it was always an honor watching God being unfair. To my Predecessor, Chang An Ting, you were and always will be my President and leader. I have chased after your footsteps all this time, and I hope I never catch up. So always be the inspiration I can follow after. To my Captains and Managers who served with me when I was sports secretary. There was no better team. You are all so talented and incredible. I learnt humility that year when you trusted me to be your leader. It was in invaluable lesson. So if ever in the future you find that I can return that favor, you have my number. This is my promise. To the cultural groups and Cheer team this year, thank you for being the expression of this hall. We might play hard and run fast, but this year more than others, we have found our voice through you all. To the captains and dancers of Absolut3, you showed whispered our vulnerability in that unforgettable dance. To the Strawberry Jam band and the rebounds, you were our official soundtrack to the year. The hall would be so silent without your songs. To the Adhocs, especially the top 4 in each committee thank you for your passion. Thank you for your meticulousness. Thank you for your creativity, and your dedication. I never had to give input, never had to interfere or to be even the slightest bit worried. So thank you for all the events, the night cycling, the orientation camp, all the events where once in a while I could take a short break and enjoy a hall event just like everyone else. These breathers were what helped to keep me going. To my 30th. Thank you for supporting my committee as their predecessors. For so many quiet meetings in the middle of the nights, I cannot thank you enough. For being the training wheels as my clumsy committee tried to find our feet, without you all, we would never have finished the race the way we did. With one mind, of one accord. To my 31st, everything that can be said has already been said. You are my family. But to my Vice-President, I must make a special mention. Jade Wee, thank you for my strength. By following behind me the way you did, you corrected every mistake I made, everything I missed you saw, everything I managed to lose you found back. Every time I was tired and looked back, there you were. Now to the Hall, thank you for being there for me. For being there for each other. And for opening your hearts to make this your home. It was always my hope that someone would be able find belonging in this place. Dont forget that we are only strong when we become more than the sum of our individual parts. And lastly, to Joanne Lo, and my family. For two years I have been prised away from you. Thank you for being so patient with me. But now its time. And Im coming home.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:03:34 +0000

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