This is Luke. If you and I are friends on here, there is a large - TopicsExpress


This is Luke. If you and I are friends on here, there is a large chance that you have something very much in common with Luke. He is a punk kid, like most of us. He is a member of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community, and very into the self defense arts (as you will see). He is also a member of the GLBT community. Luke was jumped at a party on New Years for dancing with and kissing a person he was dating who happened to be male. The stories about how many people he was jumped by vary, but somewhere between 7-12 is the consistent number. Luke was punched, knocked down, stomped on, stabbed 3 times during the altercation. Thankfully Luke had some knife training and was able to defend himself using a knife he had on him as well. 5 of the 7-12 attackers joined Luke in the hospital that evening due to their stab wounds. Luke had the audacity to fight back and defend himself against multiple attackers who were committing a hate crime in Georgia, so Luke was just handed down a two year prison sentence, plus 8 years probation in exile to a rural county of Georgia. His sentence would have been longer, but one of his attackers was seen weeks later in a video participating in an attack on a transgender woman in public that made national headlines. The people who attacked Luke are upper middle class kids with ties to local media (admitting on the record in court that they used their connections to suppress media coverage of the attack) and local law enforcement. No one else was arrested. Ill be putting together some things to help raise some donation money to make sure he gets his book list filled, Id love it if you would read the story below and follow the links to see how you can also contribute. This isnt right, this isnt ok.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:16:48 +0000

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