This is NOT a chain message, but glory be to God. I was at the - TopicsExpress


This is NOT a chain message, but glory be to God. I was at the mall earlier today thinking, How can I reach out to an entire nation on everything that Ive learned so far this week in connection to Isis and its origin (through the PROVEN history of the Egyptians worshipping the sun god who is known as, the spirit of Nimrods wife Semiramis, who is known as the Queen of heaven, who was named, Isis in Egypt, and it all tying into the Pagan holidays that we still practice even today)?... when all the sudden, I met a friendly person from Ghana who was waiting with me outside the mall entrance for the rain to stop. He was just starting a conversation with me about the rain when I started telling him about the dream I had of Jesus in 2001. It turned out he was a Muslim who was deeply moved by my testimony, and the more I talked to him, the more inspired he was and how he really loved the fact of how Jesus Christ was a man of peace and noticed how families in other countries tend to disown each other because of their religions and how we, the TRUE we (as Christians), openly embrace these people with loving arms and are commanded to do so by our Bible. While I was witnessing to him, 2 young ladies who came out of nowhere said, Hi to him as if they already knew him and were close friends with him. It turns out that they were a couple of people who kept on running into the same person that I was witnessing to. He looked at the 2 ladies and told them that I had some powerful testimonies to share and looked like he was about ready to leave but they said, Amen my Brother. What kind of knowledge are you giving my friend over here because it really IS all about Jesus Christ you know., looked at me as if they had heard what I had said to him earlier and wanted to give me a high 5 and said, Right?... because if it is really all about Him, then amen to that. At first, I thought I had offended them because they looked like they could have been Muslims themselves. They looked more like they were from somewhere in Egypt because of their style of fashion but when they mentioned about Jesus, it encouraged me to share some more of my testimonies to all 3 of them so I did and they were even MORE inspired when I shared with them the gospel and about Dr. Rodney (the President and Founder of, Revival Ministries International who started, Celebrate America in Washington DC last Summer, a ministry that was aimed to bring a desire for morality back into our constitution so that many Americans today can live a free and guilt free life while not mistaking, by the people, for the people as, doing as thou wilt and whats popular and equating THAT to having freedom, and started this crusade telling many churches to GO OUT and reach people with the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ, just before we even HEARD anything about Isis or Ebola), God REALLY moved in their hearts because His word was spoken when I explained to them about Dr. Rodneys scripts because Dr. Rodneys scripts uses the word of God IN his scripts, which IS God. When the word of God reaches peoples ears, God moves IN His spoken word through the ears and into that persons heart (just as Dr. Rodney SAID would happen). Many people in DC last summer got the Holy Spirit right there in the streets of DC as a result when almost 100 evangelists read Dr. Rodneys scripts to the people. Many got healed of sicknesses, illnesses and even blindness because it was the power of God working through His word through Dr. Rodneys obedience to start a revival in Washington DC. Those 3 people that I was talking to had turned into 7, and nobody was even speaking loud enough over the other 4 peoples loud degrading rap music enough for it to grab their attention. It was almost as if they had great ears and was eavesdropping in on my conversation that I was having with the 3 people that I was talking to, which I didnt mind because I WANTED them to hear the good news and be uplifted. I was just there to share with ONE person how much God really loves us all the same without TRYING to put on a huge show, and that one turned into 3, and that 3 turned into a crowd of about 7. Before I knew it, I wasnt TRYING to or AIMING to, but it was as if I was having church service right there outside of the Lakeforest Mall entrance, and I am not talking about the kind of church service that involves people listening to some licensed minister read from the Bible about something that happened over 2,000 years ago, but something personal that STILL happens even today and how God STILL shows Himself strong to people in 2014. Many people today are hungering and thirsting to KNOW that God still moves even today, that God still loves them and that there still is hope. On the way home, God was showing me, satan has been trying to get you to think that reaching out to an entire nation by yourself is too overwhelming and it really is because you cant, but my Son Jesus Christ (being perfect) did whatever HE could in His speeches, actions and even miracles to reach out to as many as He could, but according to mans free will to choose to decide weather or not to follow after Him, could only find 12 followers. Now, what if THOSE 12 found 12? That would be 144. What if THOSE 144 found 12? That would be 1,728. If those 1,728 got 12, that would be 20736, then, 248,832, then 2,985,984. Almost 3 million, 7 multiples later starting from 1 person. The reason I am NOT calling this a chain letter is because if you DO NOT find 12 people who CAN go outreaching with you outside of Facebook (if possible), you will NOT have bad luck for 12 years. You will NOT be at risk of loosing the gift of eternal salvation that has ALREADY BEEN given to you and paid for by our loving Jesus Christ (ONLY IF you have ALREADY accepted Jesus Christs gift to you and Him as your Lord and Savior, have it in your heart to allow Him to guide you to live the life of a repented heart as best as you humanly and possibly can, have been baptized in Jesus Name and received His Holy Spirit), ESPECIALLY if encouraging 12 people to follow you at winning the lost is NOT your calling. Not ALL are called to find, teach and train up evangelists, but are encouraged to at least spread the good news when heard about it, know EXACTLY what it is, fully understand it and KNOW that it is the right thing to do. When we fully understand the good news, it is in most of our nature to not WANT to keep silent about it. In fact, it is almost impossible to do so. It makes you want to go tell EVERYONE especially if our country is said to be under attack by a group who BELIEVES they are doing services to God, have family members that disown them BECAUSE the author of their religion commands them to do so, and believes some of us MIGHT ONLY be saved by deeds. They NEED TO hear the good news and that there IS hope. I just shared the good news with a Muslim today, and it turns out that the 2 young ladies were really a couple of Christians who have been TRYING to witness to this guy for a long time! If you do not find 12 people, Isis will NOT grow to outnumber us because I am sure that we are all under Gods perfect plan, and I am about almost 50% sure that a few good people just choosing to spread the good news will suffice and be enough. I can never say 100% though because then Id be lying. Also, the 12 becoming 144 and etc. through the use of self righteousness, bribes, manipulation and condemnation outside of telling the truth with love really IS chain mail, and a pyramid system that satan uses ever since the fall of man because the person on top ALWAYS dominates the person below them. In the field of evangelism, there ARE NO people above people (as we are ALL equal in a team working together to reach a lost and dying world together in Unity and not through domination, disputes or even violence in which other religions and groups such as Isis often practice). However, what God says in His word is the only thing that SHOULD have dominion. When we find ourselves just WANTING to tell somebody the good news as opposed to just WANTING to be heard and seen, we just might be surprised as to how many people we later find heard what it was we wanted to share without even realizing it until later on since Gods word has healed and effected so many people, and people are just LOOKING for assurance. People who march around a black stone at Mecca are just LOOKING for the kinds of signs from God that we so often see and SHOULD BE sharing with others and invite to come experience no matter WHAT religion or nationality they are, through a system that is EXACT OPPOSITE of satans, dominant pyramid system where there ARE NO equals. People have been victimized by so many of these pyramid systems for so long, that when they see a system that is all about working together even though they may not believe in the God of this system (opposite of satans), they STILL might want to join us anyways rather than to be at the bottom of the, Illuminati pyramid system (satans pyramid).
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:49:46 +0000

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