This is OUR response to the bellow post on the Christian Girl and - TopicsExpress


This is OUR response to the bellow post on the Christian Girl and the Muslim Scholar It is important that we address this question - in a time where emotional appeals (a type of fallacy) are used to make Muslims sway from their faith. I have travelled to Africa, to Arabia, to India and other places and I have been working to respond to the attacks of missionary Christians for the past 10 years. In this time I realised an interesting trend: most of the people who leave Islam or who are attracted to another faith they do so due to emotions. While emotions are important in our life, the healthy psych of a human being has to have emotions and reason in balance. The human being is a rational creature of which emotions pave the gaps that reason cannot. However, you can never divorce one from the other. Having said that, psychology shows that if one should be above the other it is reason above emotions. Why? Emotions are driven by instincts and instincts are not absolute. They are not based on tangible proofs or measurable things. Reason dictates proof and verification like when you see a person for the first time at your door - this person has a strange look or his clothing dictate that he is not who he claims to be. Reason tells you to ask for his ID. On the other hand the same person might look hungry and say I just want to come in for a minute and warm up. Your emotions might overtake one and allow such a person inside without any verification. With regards to this post - The girl asked the scholar “show me where in the Koran that Allah loves me as the sinner that I am, and I will become a Muslim.” The statement and the story is very beautiful. It reaches out to every human being - we are all sinners and we would just love for someone to love us WHILE WE CAN REST AT PEACE AND REMOVE THE ANXIETY THAT RESULTS FROM OUR SINS. I MEAN I FEEL BAD THAT IM A SINNER AND I DONT LIKE THAT FEELING. I WOULD LIKE THAT FEELING TO GO AWAY. WHAT IF I CAN CONVINCE MYSELF THAT I DONT HAVE TO CHANGE BUT ITS MY RELIGION OR MY FAITH OR GOD THAT HAS TO CHANGE. I CAN STAY A SINNER AND GOD CAN JUST CHANGE AND LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM. I CAN CONTINUE TO LIE AND CHEAT AND BE BAD, WITHOUT ANY REAL ATTEMPT TO REFORM. BUT GOD CAN REFORM. HE CAN LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM AND ITS NOT ME WHO HAS TO LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE IS. THATS EASIER. This is the essence of this POST and of the Christian faith as MISSIONARIES ADVOCATE IT. This, however, can be challenged from their own scriptures but this is not the point of my post. Continuing with the statement of the girl: She says if such a statement is found in the Quran she will become a Muslim. Of course that would not be the case. I had many debates and discussions with people and I heard many such statements - I even heard them from Muslims who said - show me where Jesus says in the Bible I am God and I will convert to Christianity. That is ludicrous - if such a statement would exist that person would have to convert. I am not saying such a statement exists however, imagine using the same logic to a different scripture like the Hindu scriptures - where there are clear cut statements that another being is called GOD. People need to be careful with their arguments. Now let us address the issue: Does Allah say in the Quran he loves sinners? First of Allah we need to understand that the Quran is not the only text of Islam. We have the Ahadith of the prophet which comprise the second source of Islam. This needs to be clarified. The Christians do not rely on the Gospel of Luke only, they have other Gospels as well as the letters of Paul and other scriptures. Having clarified that let us address the issue: Allah loves everyone who takes a step towards Him. Allah created everyone and all of us are sinners. The prophet said in an authentic hadith - EVERY SON OF ADAM SINS AND THE BEST OF SINNERS IS THE ONE WHO REPENTS. So we are all sinners Next Allah says in the Quran - And HE IS THE LOVING THE FORGIVING (SURAL AL BURUJ) The second attribute of Allah is that HE IS FORGIVING WHILE THE FIRST IS THAT HE IS LOVING - Why? Because He forgives us because He loves us. Simple Can anyone say Allah does not love His creation? But this love is different and is based on the stance that the person takes. If the person is evil Allah will not love that evil. If that person repents and tries to change or makes repentance Allah is abundant in love for him/her. Do you get the point? The missionaries want us to believe that it is Allah who has to change not us. So let us ask them a simple question. When you say Allah loves you as a sinner is it the YOU that he loves as a person or the sin in you? Does Allah love SATAN who is the biggest sinner and enemy? Brothers and sisters: the reality of their deception is very clear. Let us go back to the subject of Allahs love for us. Allah says [039:053] Say: O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Forgiveness, Mercy encompasses love. That is why Allah starts every chapter except one with IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE MOST FORGIVING THE MOST MERCIFUL Love can be erotic, it can be foolish it can be of this life and materialism - love can have different shades and connotations but MERCY AND FORGIVENESS IS ALWAYS positive and embedded with perfection. The above verse embodies all the aspects of perfect love and hope towards and from God. It responds clearly to the question of the Christian girl. The verse establishes that we are all sinners, and at the same time it adds the dimension of hope. Why? Because when you sinn you feel lost and you feel sad. You feel anxiety - these are the feelings that drove Christian to the wrong theology of someone dying for them while they dont really have to change or feel bad. They changed God and did not change themselves. But Allah adds hope in this verse - DO NOT FEEL SAD DO NOT LOOSE HOPE OF THE MERCY OF ALLAH. Because no matter how big of a sinner you are and how bad you feel - it is that sad feeling and that repentance that Allah looks at and WITH HIS LOVE..... HE IS THE MOST FORGIVING THE MOST LOVING .... that HE forgives us. Yes we need to act and we need to try. If we dont we will end up looking for NO STRINGS ATTACHED relationships in everything - where WE ALWAYS BENEFIT and we do not put in any effort. They said This is a startling contrast to the words of Scripture that shows that God offers His love to any and all who will receive it, as a free gift paid in full with no strings attached Does that not sound lazy? No strings attached? Dear brothers and sisters. Allah tells us that Paradise is full of trials and work, while Hell is easy and full of emotions and desires. No strings attached? Thing about it. So I would like that little girl to say a few words after reading this post I BEAR WITNESS THAT THERE IS NO DEITY WORTY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH AND THAT MUHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON HIM IS HIS SERVANT AND MESSENGER AND THAT JESUS IS HIS SERVANT AND MESSENGER This is ISLAM and this is Allah THE MOST LOVING
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:08:48 +0000

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