This is One Distorters Opinion A while back, I was evolved in a - TopicsExpress


This is One Distorters Opinion A while back, I was evolved in a discussion on the illegal cannabis growers in the forests of Northern California and their use of poisons against pests. One person commented that he believed that anyone who bought this shit on the streets is complicit in the deaths of the spotted owl, among other animals because of this practice. REALLY? COMPLICIT? Lets look at that for a bit. What does complicit or complicity mean? An individual is complicit in a crime if he/she is aware of its occurrence and has the ability to report the crime, but fails to do so. As such, the individual effectively allows criminals to carry out a crime despite possibly being able to stop that person--either directly or by contacting the authorities. The offender is a de facto accessory to the crime; rather than an innocent bystander. Now that is, in my mind, a very harsh judgement that involves a number of assumptions. One incorrect assumption is that all cannabis sold other than by growers or legal dispensaries comes from Northern California illegal growers. Much comes from Asian Cartel growers who grow indoors. An implied assumption is that everyone has access to legal cannabis outlets. Only in 23 states and D. C. Is there access to medical cannabis, which is a herb, and a medicinal one at that. It is NOT shit. But, if I examine this complicit idea further, and I have, and for quit some time, I have come to this conclusion. Anybody who paints with brushes made from animal fur or hair is complicit in the wholesale capture, imprisonment and, many times, slaughter of many species. Oh, these people may protest fur coats but where is the outcry for these animals? Oh, and if synthetic fibers are used, then they are complicit in the damage the oil industry has done and continues to do. Further, anyone who plays any drum using animal skins are also complicit in the farming and skinning of animals and, for imported skins, especially from Africa, the pollution caused by cargo shipping. If they use wood shells from Africa, they are complicit in the depletion of the forests there. Do you live in PG&Es service area and get and pay your bill each month? Then you are complicit in the perpetuation of nuclear power and power derived from fossil fuel. Every time you turn the key in your car to truck you are complicit in the rape of the earth. Ride the bus? Same thing. Fly? Ditto. Train? Yep,that too. It is so easy to throw stones at those you dont agree with but it is harder when thrown stones land so close to home....... But then, That is just ONE DISTORTERS OPINION
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 17:29:18 +0000

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