This is Positive Man......raw and uncut! I AM not afraid to show - TopicsExpress


This is Positive Man......raw and uncut! I AM not afraid to show you my true feelings and emotions! I have overcome the ego mind and raised my level of consciousness to the 5th dimension of Christ Consciousness! I AM a selfless, compassionate, understanding, generous, loving, caring man! There is only LOVE in me and Im ready to share it with the world! This is the video that I made yesterday, after coming home from work and listening to the video that Michelle L. Brunetta shared! It completely rocked my world and brought out every single emotion of frustration and compassion out of me! I fully understand that I AM a very powerful soul from the Tribe of Colors and I have come to make a positive difference in the world! Imagine if there was an incredible incentive and a way for all the positive people of the world to unite and prosper as ONE! To work together in helping each other accomplish our dreams and goals! To create a perpetual cash flow prosperity money system that could only grow and grow and grow as more positive people unite! And then, because only positive people will be part of the team, they will be empowered financially to take on their passion to help humanity! Putting money to work for the good of ALL of humanity! Tell me in the comments.....if you had unlimited cash flow coming in from all directions and places....what would you do with it? Remember that its ok to take care of yourself, because you are also going to share with what you are passionate about changing in the world! Imagine if there was a way to become financially independent by pursuing your passion of changing the world! This is what Ive created as my gift to humanity! This is the reason why I AM here and it has taken me a year to accomplish and it is finally done! Im in the process of creating a website for passionate people to find other passionate positive friends that share the same passion to work together towards the fulfillment of their dreams! This is a completely Revolutionary way to prosper yourself, but it will involve the prospering of others first! The idea is that the more you help others and your cause, the more you will become successful! This is the new 5th dimensional selfless way of achieving your dreams! So go ahead and dream big and tell me what you are passionate about changing in the world......because I will personally travel to your city, state or country to help you establish yourself! This will be my new reality show that Im creating so that the world can SEE and WITNESS first hand what should have been done with money a long time ago! There will be COMPLETE TRANSPERANCY as to where the money is being spent, unlike the majority of the NON Profit organizations who are only there to launder money and are only obligated to use 2%! This system will do away with all of that!!! Instead of people donating money to an organization, you will be investing in not only your future, but the future of mankind and those you will set out to help! ITS A WIN WIN for all of humanity! This is my Soul Mission! To establish a world wide network of PFFs that will eradicate darkness, poverty, and crime throughout the world! And it will be video taped for my reality show, The Real Adventures of Positive Man and Positive Friends, Real Superheroes of Humanity Making a Positive Difference in The World! Do you have what it takes to be a PFF and live a life of passion as a real superhero??? Talk to me!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 20:14:16 +0000

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