This is REALLY good! EASY WATCH,AND ENTERTAINING ,INFORMATIVE. You have to watch this. HE does not get all the info in he could, but wow, he gets alot. Theres some things he missed and he is inaccurate on WHY they are so important, he is leaving out the fact that , they with bats, ensure that we have flora and fauna, which makes the air,water, food,so his short list of what you will miss out on eating may not seem as important , if you think WELL we COULD survive without pollination. NO we cannot. With the insane rate they tear down the rainforest and are killing the animals that eat from the rainforest,and spread the seed, we are doomed without these bees. He gves a very easy to watch, entertaining and informative video and is WELL worth the watch.. BUT he does NOT hit the mark, when he does not say WE WILL DIE WHEN THEY DO. He mentions the NEOCIDES Excuse me if my spelling is wrong,tired- NICOTINE DERIVED PESTICIDES that CLING to the colonies, and HEY dont some of you hate cigarettes and nicotine? Well, anyways, i think ALL of you would enjoy this. BY THE WAY,he leaves this also out. We will not necessarily get to blame it ALL on the pesticides,WHILE IT IS THE BIGGEST FACTOR, or mites, even though they are not helping-but they have always been there. BUT it does not help, that in the end, HONEY is made to feed the bees through winter, and that rather than letting them keep their honey, we give them (now GMO, was not always GMOS) CORN SYRUP SOLUTIONS to eat, since we stole the honey, and they are even MORE severely weakened. In the end, WE are killing them, and our Ecosystem/MOTHER NATURE is NOT going to forgive us that. As she says, she has killed off, starved off bigger,and hungrier beasts than us, and she will again. Now you can see, in a very easy to watch way, at least a bit, of why we MUST change what we are doing. I wish I could tell you,and get you to believe me, and just watch it, how entertaining and interesting it actually is to learn how things work, and how much you can learn in just a short time, and its PAINLESS. Please watch. KNOWLEDGE IS KEY TO MAKING CHANGES THAT ARE ALSO GOING TO BE PAINLESS TO MAKE. Saving the Bees is EASY, we just have to say NO to them, and cut off their MONEY SUPPLY. IT ALL GOES STRAIGHT BACK TO THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. We do NOT have to let this Earth and its Earthlings die. We just have to be aware, and TELL THEM NO MORE and quit lining the pockets of corrupt greedy BIG BUSINESS AND GOVT. They cannot thrive if we all stop, be informed, DONT GIVE THEM OUR MONEY,and SAY NO MORE!!! Tara Justice Stone
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:27:04 +0000

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