This is Stevie, Cam’s sister (so don’t freak out). My mom and - TopicsExpress


This is Stevie, Cam’s sister (so don’t freak out). My mom and I have been checking Cam’s facebook profile every now and then since he’s passed a little over a year and a half ago. In doing so we’ve realized that some of his friends were not aware that he had passed away and more so that most people don’t understand what exactly happened. When we first heard he had passed the biggest question in our mind, naturally, was why? What happened? We’ve realized that if we wanted to know why, that his friends probably do too. So we would like to take an opportunity to explain it to you so that it might help you understand why Cam passed away a little better. Some of you may know (and for those of you that don’t) Cam had epilepsy. He had it as a kid but the older he got the more it seemed to change and worsen as far as the symptoms and seizures. About two years before he died was when he began having grand mal seizures – which are the seizures most people think of where the person has involuntary convulsions. Before that he had what doctors call petit mal seizures which are generally physically unseen and you’d never know he was having them unless you knew him very well. The cause of his passing is something the doctors called Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). I’ve included a link at the bottom of the post so you can read more about it if you’d like. The true physical cause is not really understood by doctors (or anyone for that matter) except that people with certain characteristics (many of which Cam had) were more prone to SUDEP than others. Due to these characteristics and his epileptic history the doctors believed that that Cam passed away in his sleep due to physical happenings related to his epilepsy. We know there were speculations and questions as to what happened and we wanted to help clear that up. The medical explanations gave us a little bit of peace in that we believe that he didn’t struggle or have any pain when he passed away. We wanted to give you all the same opportunity to have peace about how he died and that he’s a lot better off where he is now than he ever was here with us. We miss him every day just like all of you. We appreciate the love and support that each of you gave our family during that rough time and we hope that we were just as supportive to you all as well. Thank you for befriending Cam and loving him with us and we hope to see you all there sometime when we meet him in heaven again. -Stevie
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 23:17:06 +0000

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