This is Tim Shrewsberry testimony. Him and his wife just moved to - TopicsExpress


This is Tim Shrewsberry testimony. Him and his wife just moved to Harlingen from New Mexico. He had been a Christian all his life but in May, the Holy Spirit filled him. He is now so consumed with Jesus. This is his journey story called A restoration of a lost truth A Personal Journey and Restoration of a Lost Truth I am seeking the truth, not a false truth, but the real truth. I read that successful people write in a journal in which they express ideas and creative thoughts. My wife bought me a journal seven years ago and I never had written in it. I was waiting for some “great event” or awe-inspiring idea that never happened. I thanked God for the blessings in my life. I went to church, read the bible occasionally, and tried to live a moral life. I always tried to do “the right thing” and prayed for forgiveness and Gods will in my life. If can do all things though him who strengthens me, why am I so tired? Do I need more faith? Is that it? If I had more faith, will he strengthen me? I have faith, but I have never seen a mountain move. Matthew 11:28 states: come to me all that are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. What is this rest? I’m so tired, so very tired. Stress, uncertain future, fear, did I make the right decision to move here? What was my motivation? Is it your will? How will I know your will? Is it your will for me to fail? Will I make the right decision? Is there a right and wrong decision? Does it matter? Doubt, the bottom is falling out, I need a back-up plan, What if that fails? I need a back up to the back-up plan, What if that fails? I am so busy…but it seams like I get nothing accomplished. What am I going to do? It’s going to be ok, tell me it’s ok? It’s going to be ok right? Please tell me it’s going to be ok? What if I fail? I need anther back up plan, to the back-up, back-up plan…I am tired, so tired, so very tired, so very, very tired. I can’t sleep, I try not to worry, tossing and turning, what is wrong? Please God I beg you, give me rest, I can’t do it anymore, my plans have failed, no matter how hard I try; I keep being defeated. Maybe I need a vacation, If I could only make more money, I need just get a little more and I’ll be just fine, more of what? I need more of what? What is it I need? What’s the answer? What is the answer? I will find it, I will find it, and God will help me. I am determined and will not give up, I am not a quitter, and I will not quit. I haven’t found a church I like since I moved here. I really miss the church I used to attend. Please God help me find the right Church. I’ll try a different Church this Sunday. What is this joy of the Lord they talk about? Do I have joy? I’m so tired. Why does this pastor seam so Joyful? This is something different. The sermons sure are long. They say: “I love Jesus,” “praise God,” and “Hallelujah” a lot here! Why do they do that so much? Isn’t just a couple praises to the Lord, Hallelujah, and I love Jesus enough? What am I missing? I love Jesus too! They say “Thank you Jesus” over and over here at this church. I am thankful to Jesus. I’m not going to keep saying it over and over. What am I missing? What do they know that I don’t know? I’m used to an hour-long service. I look at my watch; this sure is a long service. The pastor’s wife appears so joyful, they really love the Lord. When they both speak it touches my heart, so joyful and sincere. How can you possibly be this joyful? Is this real? I think its real? How to I get this joy? I feel a little bit better about things after church today. They cast out devils and pray for the sick here, people falling down, what is this? Is it really God? This is too charismatic for me, this is fanaticism. What is this church non-denominational or Pentecostal? I haven’t been to a church like this since I was twelve. My Grandma prays for me and I saw her speak in tongues once. I know my Grandma’s prayers have power. I was saved when I was twelve years of age. I few weeks later I was at a revival and the pastor laid hands on me and I felt a warm sensation over my body and cried out a brief utterance. What was this, it hasn’t happened since. Did this really happen to me? What was this? Is this just for “little old church ladies” like my grandma, I know this is real? Is this for everyone? I kind of remember. It must be real; I think it’s real. I am saved, I believe, I pray for Gods will. I’m a good person; I know you can’t get to heaven through works. The blood of Jesus can only save me. I know this truth. I’m so weary and tired. I open the mail…what is this? It is a handwritten note that says: “Thank you for visiting us, we are honored to have you and you are welcome here anytime, and may God continue to Bless and prosper your life.” A handwritten note from the pastor, I never received a hand written personal note before from a pastor, he doesn’t even know me. Why would he do this? What is different? That settles it I’m going back there this Sunday. A charismatic church, a holly roller church, people say: “You might see speaking in tongues,” why do I feel ashamed of people knowing I go to a church like this? I’m new here and I don’t know anyone anyway. I don’t care what they think. Should I even go back there? What is this speaking in tongues, and is it real today? They prayed for the sick and cast out Devils and unclean spirits in the Bible. The Bible is Gods Holy Word. Hebrews 13:8 states that: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” I visited a lot of churches and I never seen anyone healed, since I was at a revival with my Grandma when I was twelve years old. People don’t get healed anymore do they? I haven’t been at a revival, why don’t they have revivals? You have to pray and lay hands on the sick to be healed right? They don’t do that much anymore, or at least I haven’t seen it done. I do believe in miracles…I think? The answer is: God uses physicians, modern technology, and medicine to heal today. The Apostolic age that is over, that’s what a minister said once, he must know what the truth is right? Why not pray for the sick in church and on the street? That’s what Jesus did? That’s it! I believe God can heal. He created us; maybe there is modern day miracle. It seams as they really care here and are sincere. Please God let me attend the church you want me to be in. I feel a little out of place there. I need to have faith, faith pleases God, and I want to please God. I want to know you. I am so tired, I need rest, please Lord I am so very tired, please give me rest. My head anointed with oil. The pastor prays for me. I have faith God will provide an answer according to his will. I felt nothing immediately, but I feel better that he prayed for me. I am awaken at night by heavenly singing and praising God, a faint sound at first, then louder, what is this, I wake up and It was me praising God, It was me singing to God! It was me singing! Was this the Holy Spirit? What is the Holy Spirit? Is it real? Am I ok? My heart is stirring, I’m thirsty for knowledge about this Holy Spirit, and I need to know more! My Wife and I attended church on May 18, 2014, the service was ending and they were praying and the pastor said: “Anyone who wants the Holy Spirit to pray and ask”? Did I have enough faith and to be filled with the Holy Spirit? I starting praying that I surrender to you God, I can’t do it anymore on my own, My Life is yours, my marriage is yours, my business is yours, I did not receive anything that wasn’t given to me! Take control Lord, what do you want me to do, show me, teach me, I need to know your real, are you there, where are you? I cry out I need you God, I cry out to you God, Please help me, I need you, I surrender, I am weeping…. I am weeping …Please fill me with your Holy Spirit! I am weeping…I start to feel something….I feel something welling up deep inside me…welling up in my innermost being. Welling up inside from deep within me, I start to feel an overwhelming joy and peace, I feel it pouring down on me…. It’s overflowing…I am still weeping uncontrollably; I feel peace and love and joy, to the fullest. My lips start to move, I slowly raise my hands in the air! My body is trembling…. This is the Glory of Almighty God ….I felt my wife’s soft touch of her hand on my back… she realized that I was weeping uncontrollably. I just let him take over, I start speaking in tongues, my prayer language, and the Holy Spirit has come upon me, baptized me with fire. The Holy Ghost and Fire! I am talking and I do not know what I say, it is between my spirit and God. God has touched me with his anointing. God loves me and I feel joy, real JOY! A fullness of all of Gods joy! It’s like an entire ocean of joy inside you, its indescribable, its illogical, its powerful, it’s supernatural; it’s incomprehendable, and its undeniably real, So very real! In an Instant all of Life mysteries are answered. The search is over for me. Jesus is Lord. I can’t stop talking about Jesus. The Bible is alive! It’s so real! I want to know him more. I worship him, I praise him, and I love him and want to be like him. He needs to take over and I want more of him and less of me. His desires are becoming my desires; his will is becoming my will. I will honor and praise him, Holy is his name. I praise him and He falls on me like a gentle rain. The Holy Spirit is a person who is living inside me. It’s all about a relationship not religion! Satan is a Liar! He appears as an angel of light to spread his deception from us knowing this knowledge of a lost truth. The waters are muddy with religion. The answer is to go upstream to the source of the Living Water. The Holy Spirit and the Living Word of God. Many people want to live a Christian life and have been deceived and are being defeated. The truth is you need the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Satan is fighting you in the supernatural world. You have supernatural power the Holy Spirit as a free gift from God. What a joy! I will never be the same, I am changed by his grace forever. Peace and Joy I have. No more worries about my future. It’s going to be just fine, I love Jesus and what he did for me. Why don’t we have church every day? The sermons and praise are way to short! I can’t get enough of Jesus. He is my Lord and Savior. My life will never be the same. I Love Jesus This lost truth has been restored and must be told. The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is my companion. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. He loves you, he created life, and he wants to know you. Will you surrender to him? Will you? He loves you, He wants to know you personally, and He loves you! On May 18, 2014, I started writing in my journal. My journal contains the secret to a successful and prosperous life. The Word of the Living God authored by the same Holy Spirit that now resides in me. I write creative thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit as I read the undeniable truth of the Living Word. This is my testimony, one of a restoration of lost truth. Will you surrender to him? Will you? He wants to know you personally, and He really loves you! Tim Shrewsberry
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:25:44 +0000

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