This is VERY important. I was balking on writing this LONG post - TopicsExpress


This is VERY important. I was balking on writing this LONG post telling the LORD I will do it when I have time (after November 22nd) but He reminded me of Ezekiel 33 - because I have been given a message I am responsible to deliver it or I will be held accountable... This message is going to be very disturbing and I will probably look like a fool but I would rather appear like a fool than be accountable for anyones blood. I have no proof but please examine the Word of God because He will confirm His message. For those who have ears, hear. The LORD gave me a dream last Nov. 2 (2 posts before this). Please read if you have time but what is important is what it meant. The message was a warning, revealing one form of end-time deception that can cost even those who sincerely love the LORD to miss out their place in heaven. First, let me establish that I belong to a non-denominational Christian church. I do not believe any one denomination has all the right answers and I see religion as divisive - making us focus on our differences instead of on what unites us which is Jesus Christ. My belief is all who believe in Jesus and call Him LORD no matter what religion we have are Christians. I thought we are are all heading to the same direction (the third heaven) riding different vehicles (religion). I was wrong, the LORD taught me by experience and gave me a warning in a dream. God showed me that all vehicles may appear to be moving to the same direction north but some are deliberately purposed to stop before it reached our intended destination. All vehicles have Heaven signs in them so we think we can ride any and get to where we want to go. However, some will not make it to the Throne Room and make a full stop outside the Gates of Heaven because they do not belong to the Owner of Heaven but planted by the enemy to deceive the ones who did not take the time to read the instructions in the wedding invitation of the Lamb. (Read your Bible, folks!) For a few weeks now, week after week, 2 ladies would knock in my house wanting to talk about God. I do not want to turn down any discussion on God no matter with whom so I would briefly talk to them outside. 4 days before my dream I finally allowed them in to see what they are about. They asked me to read aloud passages from my Bible as they discussed a topic I picked from their pamphlet. The lady explained the reason she kept asking me to read the Bible is to prove that what they teach is truth from the Bible. Warning bells sounded in my spirit - conditioning. Establishing the setting for future discussions so I will have no reason to question their teaching. I dismissed the thought and told myself to have an open mind and heart. After all, they have Bibles in their hands - so I can safely let my guards down, right? They came back a second time and somehow in 15 brief minutes God exposed 4 VERY IMPORTANT things about the core belief of their religion that I would not have discovered even if I have allowed them in my home 50 times unless I ask the right questions. One in particular God wants me to warn you about because it CAN CAUSE US TO REJECT HIS HOLY SPIRIT and LOSE OUR PLACE IN HEAVEN. 1. I was told that the Old Testament no longer apply to us, only the New Testament. She mentioned in particular the Ten Commandments no longer is valid. FALSE. I can cite so many scripture to dispute them but one will suffice. Jesus said, “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who OBEYS God’s laws and TEACHES them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 5:17-19 NLT) Grace through the blood of Jesus gave us the key to freedom from the punishment of our sins. Grace through the Holy Spirit made available to us by Christ gave us the empowerment to resist temptation and obey the laws of God. Grace did not cancel the law of God but freedom from the eternal bondage of the law was given through grace which us more powerful than the law - that is what Paul meant in Romans 6:15. 2. They evangelize because Jesus said that only those who truly love Him obeys Him and it is His command that we do. True and FALSE. Evangelization is important BUT we must not equate service and evangelization to obedience because what really matters to God is this: “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the LAW of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40 NLT) (Notice the reference on the LAW that was supposedly abolished when Jesus shed His blood on the cross?) We want to get to know the ones we love as intimately as possible, we want to spend as much time with them as we can; so should we if we truly love God. He is the source of love and being with a Him is how we truly learn to love. Evangelization is very important but our first call is to minister to God. Spreading the gospel will not bring us to heaven. Being transformed by God into His image as evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit is what makes us true children of the Most High God. 3. God has abdicated His covenant promise to Abraham and no longer are the Jews the chosen people of God because they sinned against Him. FALSE. This position questions the very character of our God and belies that He is faithful and unchanging just like the Bible said. Too many scriptures to cite but here is one. “I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to abolish the laws of nature!” This is what the LORD says: “Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the LORD, have spoken! (Jeremiah 31:31-32) This is also very DANGEROUS thinking because if we believe this LIE we can become potential enemies of the Jews instead of their supporters. If we do, we will become the enemy of God. I will establish them as a nation before me, and I WILL PUNISH ANYONE WHO HURTS THEM. (Jeremiah 30:20 NLT) I will bless those who bless you and CURSE THOSE WHO TREAT YOU WITH CONTEMPT. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:3 NLT) 4. They acknowledge that speaking of tongues occurred in the book of Acts but only so they can evangelize to the foreigners among them at that time. They do not believe it is for today for us and they do not speak in tongues nor do their religion believe in it. Their position to deny speaking in tongues as evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the modern world is VERY DANGEROUS because if we do not know what to expect, we will likely be scared and REJECT the BAPTISM of the HOLY SPIRIT. If we are told it is not for us, we will not seek it from the LORD. ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below— blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the LORD arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.’ (Acts of the Apostles 2:17-21 NLT) This is from the New Testament confirming what God promised in the Old Testament in the Book of Joel. WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS and God is beginning to pour out His Spirit to all flesh. God will do what he said He will do HOWEVER; the Holy Spirit is a Gentleman and will not force Himself to those who do not want Him. It is important that we begin understanding and expecting what it is about. (See pamphlet in the attachment.) I told them that it was when I got baptized by the Holy Spirit and given my prayer language that I began to experience the mighty move of God - having the ability to hear from God, be taught by the Holy Spirit, given the boldness to spread the Gospel, seeing miracles and wonders, healings and deliverance through prayer. The lady cited, Matthew 7 saying that Jesus may reject even those who used His name for performing miracles and wonders. She said that Jesus said He does not know them so even if they used His name for their works, it is not the power of God that enabled them. She then asked me and again and again who is the only other one with power. Then she said, If it is not the power of God they are operating in, then whose power? She kept coaxing me to confess it is the power of the devil, implying that many today who use the name of Jesus to perform miracles for the glory of God may actually be performing under the power of the enemy... I am not denying that there REALLY are some who perform signs and miracles by the power of the enemy claiming they are of God, it is designed to fool the unsuspecting masses to follow them and be led into perdition. However, there are many also who truly operate from the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. It us important that we know how to distinguish them. Look for their fruits of the Spirit in their life. They will not be perfect (no human alive is) but the evidence that God has transformed them from the inside out will be undeniable and cannot be CONSITENTLY faked - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As they left God reminded me of the dream I would have completely forgotten if I did not record it on my phone as soon as I woke up. This was what the warning is about. 1. Be wary for the enemy is not easy to recognize. He is among us seeking to devour those who are not wearing the full armor of God and do not know how to wield the Sword of the Spirit. 2. THE ENEMY IS FIGHTING US WITH OUR OWN WEAPON but fear not for He has not been anointed to use it. However, we will be defeated unless we know our weapon so well that we cannot be deceived. 3. Do not even open your doors to the enemy and think you can help them. They are wily and we endanger ourselves. . Do not come near the enemy because they will engage us in hand to hand combat - gripping our hands that we cannot free ourselves from their grip and effectively fight. We cannot defeat them on our own alone. In my dream I could have been overpowered except for the prayer of the one holding the alien. The way to win this war is the same way Jesus won against Satan when He was tempted after His 40 day fast. To know the Word and Will of God by heart. Wield them from a safe distance. 4. Be armed at ALL times and never take of the Armor of God. Let prayer precede you in everything you do. 5. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us discernment, to expose the enemy, and guard us against assaults. Our fight is not against people. The ones who came to me MAY be victims of not knowing the Word and Will of God as well as taught not just by men. However, there are those who are planted among us who know they are not chickens but ducks but pretend to be chickens with the intention of destroy Gods churches from the inside. It is not easy to separate the wheat from the tares. Look at the fruits, as Jesus warned. God emphasized to me in bold capital letters WHY IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ THE BIBLE ON OUR OWN and BE TAUGHT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD because unless we hear from God Himself, any of us can be deceived. It is written in the Prophets: They will all be taught by God. John 6:45 PRAY that we be not deceived and be used to deceive others. Below is a resource about baptism of the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues. I hope it will encourage you to begin asking the Jesus for it. lakewoodchurch/Downloads/PDF/BaptHolySpirit.pdf
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:34:52 +0000

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