This is a 1 page paper I wrote for my philosophy class answering - TopicsExpress


This is a 1 page paper I wrote for my philosophy class answering the question What would you die for? It is not hard at all for me to think of what I would die for. I know that I would die for the love of my life which is Jesus Christ. I would die for him for multiple reasons. For one, I know that Jesus is God in the flesh, which means that he is my creator and the one who gave me life. I would be happy to give up my life for him because if it wasnt for him, I would not have it to enjoy in the first place and I appreciate him for giving it to me. Another reason why I would die for Jesus is because he died for me and saved me from death. He loved me and came to earth and endured horrible torture and death to pay for the horrible things I had done in my life. He didnt have to die for me but he willingly chose to and his death has saved me from the punishment that I deserved for my sins. If it werent for him I know for absolute certain that I would have spent eternity in hell for my wrongs. He not only gave me life but he has saved and preserved it. I owe him my life for more reasons than one. The most important reason why I would die for Jesus is because I love him, which is the same reason why he died for me. He has shown me real love like I have never experienced before and I never deserved. He showed me my value and the value that all human beings have to God. Even when I lived in total evil and lived to hurt people for my own selfish gain he reached into my life and lovingly and gently showed me the right way. He, through real tangible and evident miracles showed me that his love is true and is worth believing in. I could never write enough to express my love for him. Jesus is amazing and is the greatest thing that has ever happened to this entire universe. So because of my love for him, I would never mind dying for him. Besides, because of him I know that death is not the end. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 I know that eternal life, the forgiveness of sins and the love of God is real in Jesus Christ. So for me, because I believe in Jesus death is not a loss but a gain. Death is not the end, God is, and I cant wait to see him face to face.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 01:12:35 +0000

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