(This is a CreepyPasta made by me, My first. :D) Turnabout... - TopicsExpress


(This is a CreepyPasta made by me, My first. :D) Turnabout... you can only expect from this word one meaning, A twist of events.. each twist will have its On Events. And so, My story begins. They call me Jayden. A semi-known Spriter on DeviantART. an Ultimate Ace Attorney fan. With capital U in that matter. Ive been playing the series of Ace Attorney for quite a while now. I became interested and began my search for fan games. ..If youre wondering why Im not giving more information, It will be clear in due time...Nonetheless, Back to the topic. I began my search for fan games. And was able to pull some of my matess attention to Ace Attorney. I found a few and played them all. Finished some, Some not. Till I had the idea....to make my OWN Ace Attorney fan game. Luckily, I had a friend who is good with coding, He accepted to assist. After 8 months of working, I did my role.. then gave my friend the project for him to continue... For the sake of the event, Let us presume that his name is Michael. Days passed... days turned to Months. Months turned to years. After 5 years, I heard the news of Michaels death. It was kept hidden till a culprit is found, Because he was murdered.. .I took what was rightfully mine after the Funeral.. the Project of the game. I began to give it a test play. I played the first day of The first turnabout, It was well made. Till day 2, The trial. Logically, The defense was Apollo Justice. but.. I saw a Familiar face as the defense.. Kristoph Gavin. Only true Ace Attorney fans would get the message. I thought Michael edited the trial and made Gavin the defense.. I was impressed by the sprites that I didnt care much. I saved and went to sleep.. I then saw them. Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey, Diego Armando and Marvin Grossberg. I was for a fact amazed, Since We did not agree to put any of them in the game.. That is when the screen became clearer. It was the courtroom. But, The viewers in the gallery were bleeding insanely, The courtroom was all black. As if.. Its in hell.. The judge said that the court in session.. Suddenly, A big vortex occurred on the roof, Sucked the defense and the prosecution in.. Inside I was able to hear all of their screams... Lots of demonic screams, Insanely laughs and Objections.. Thats when I saw a sprite.. of someone who appears to be a defense attorney, I was surprised till She said.. Welcome, To the Depth of Hell. From my amazement, I moved to the right, Falling off my bed, It was simply a dream.. Another day passed normally. I was afraid of touching the project. Then I went to sleep. I saw the same dream again.. However, The vortex threw away one attorney.. It appeared to be a mix of all of the defense lawyers. He looked something like this: court-records.net/fanart/mfv%20-%20unholygodofdefense29lr.png The defense said that He.. or Shes ready to begin the Trial. The prosecutions bench was for a fact empty which caught my attention. The judge then surprised me with him saying that he will give a Not guilty verdict.. but before saw, A large whip slash attacked the Judge.. the impact was good enough it took his head out of its body. In this state, Everyone in the court were laughing.. I looked at the source of the whip and this I found: court-records.net/fanart/manfred%20-%20unholygodofprosecution4ut.png He then yelled... The trial will proceed. The trial of Rush the Hedgehog is in session. I heard that name and grasped in shock, All of this time I was focusing on the view that I never bothered to look at my own body..I found out that I had purple fur, A scarf..Purple bracelets. That is when I found out the shock. I was the defendant.. being defended, Prosecuted, Viewed by demons from the depth of hell....I couldnt resist but to make an Objection. I know for a fact that a Trial cant be in session without a Judge. I yelled. But then I heard a large voice yelling OVERRULED! I looked everywhere and saw no one in sight that was talking. They were all quiet. I looked up at the bench of the Judge..and found Manfred von Karma sitting there.. with his demonic laugh.. It was like this: court-records.net/fanart/mfv%20-%20ohdeargod0sd.png With the judge present.. a Trial was to be held..However, I was unaware of the crime.. till I figured out that I was accused of murdering Michael. Due to my shock I placed my hands in my pockets, I found two pieces of paper. One said: D.O.H And one said: D.O.D.P I was unable to move, Nor to understand the meanings of those letters.. As the trial proceeded. Evidence was presented, Witnesses testified.. Contradictions where figured, Possibilities was gathered. And still. I was unable to understand what is the point of this.. till the prosecution presented a video tape...it had Me recorded... Killing Michael like a professional.. Then I took out two pieces of paper and wrote something then placed it in front of the Camera... You can guess what was written in those pieces of paper.. .. Moving on. The judge gave me the guilty verdict..and my sentence was something I didnt expect.. The defense and prosecution walked to me... They began punching me chest rapidly. Near the heart area. Till one of the punches took my heart out.. but in a way, I was still alive.. I glanced at the gallery of the viewers..I saw.... I saw Michael staring at me.. Laughing maniacally. Looked behind him to see a familiar face.. Known as Sonic.E.X.E. I was in the top of my shock.. Didnt understand what was going on. Till I took a large attack in my forehead.. That caused me to thankfully wake up from the nightmare.. but, I was not in my room... I was in a Courtroom, All Alone... Or so I thought. up there... In the Judges bench.. I saw him. I saw Michael. his eye pupils were red. his skin was red. with Black liquid dropping from his mouth... in the tiny spaces between his teeth. He had a grin that sent shivers to my spine. I ran away... But then I saw him... Sonic.E.X.E.. He was standing behind me. Waving his finger in my face. I turned around and found Michael standing and grinning. They both said.. You will not escape your sentence, Defendant.. I didnt get that. Then Michael threw those two pieces of paper in my face..how much I hated them.. I fainted, Luckily..I woke up and found myself in a hospital room.. My body was numb. Face expression was frozen.. It was 2 A.M. When I woke up. I couldnt sleep so I opened the Laptop that was next to me in order to pass time.. but then I found it...my Project.. with a random Readme that I never noticed. I opened it and found this.. The poor kid.. Unaware of what is happening to him... I couldnt understand that, So I closed the Laptop and looked ahead of me.. I saw them both again.. In a blink, They vanished. I screamed rapidly.. however, My face reaction did NOT change. Doctors came and calmed me down.. I told one of them what I saw. He smiled and petted my back and then left.. but left the lights on.. I looked at the mirror... My face was red.. With a scary and hideous smile on my face. Black liquid falling from my mouth.. My eyes teared up.. but I felt something in my pocket. It was a large paper.. I looked at it. ..And so, The court is adjourned after the sentence was given. And in the very bottom I saw.. D.O.H. D.O.D.P. ...The defendant was sentenced to hell and hallucination. and found a video CD with the paper. I played it in the Laptop. It was me killing Michael.. rapid attacks in his chest. Then I took his heart out... I...ate his heart and then I grabbed a knife and teared off every piece of skin in his body.. So, what is only left is a red Skin-like figure. I then smashed his mouth with the knife.. suddenly Black liquid was falling from his mouth.. I then passed out... And with that, the video ended... I kept staring at the Laptop.. and in the next morning.. my friend who is named Tabitha came to visit... During our talk..Michael walked in. His face was fine.. He was smiling normally.. I knew that something was wrong.. But I kept it to myself.. Ignoring the fact that I saw him die in the video.. in the night of that day.. I replayed the video. And there I found..I was murdering someone again with the same way...but.. I saw myself...Its like Me fighting with a clone. And it was doing that to me..After the murder happened in the same way..again. Something strange happened.. Whoever that was.. He stood up. grabbed a mirror and threw it at the laptop..and then looked at me and said.. Welcome, To the Depth of Hell.. ..I threw the laptop.. But when I did that. I heard a laugh.. a dark demonic laugh. ..but saw No one around... I was alone in the room. And then I figured out...I was sentenced to hallucinating... That D.O.H meant.. Depth of Hell.. and that D.O.D.P....it meant... Disorder of Double Personality.. Up to this day.. I dont know if Im alive or dead... I dont know what I saw, Dont know how Sonic.E.X.E is connected to Ace Attorney.. But, I knew something.. That...I was not in a normal hospital.. it was a Mental hospital.. I was suffering from suicide attempts, Hallucinating.. And.. I was living without a heart.. Where my heart is is replaced with a big hole.. But,They never left me alone.. Sonic.E.X.E and.. Michael. Who I dont know if hes dead or alive..but what I know is.. that Sonic.E.X.E... Is enjoying toying with me... And that is my story. So, If youre REALLY up for an adventure.. you will get the game... The game of death.. Under Depth of Hell..
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 23:42:14 +0000

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