This is a Good thing. Its one of the things i feel we need to - TopicsExpress


This is a Good thing. Its one of the things i feel we need to begin to really focus on is the destandardization of our education system. Not creating new, more centralized systems as a matter of experimentation. People dont want to see it but its real. This is an issue so tied to the larger macro economy, as individual want to pretend like the evil corporations are why wages are dropping or why theres a surplus of unskilled labor making minimum wage that require families to survive off of two incomes when in reality these factors are due to the lack of education our standardized systems offer which do not prepare students for the demands of the natural economy. Corporations ACTUALLY DO have a demand for more educated people in high paying jobs that in fact ARE available as even CEO salaries and bonuses of 10, 20, 30, million dollars or more would go down with the increased supply of educated individuals flooding the market. That companies are willing to pay so much for these peoples skills is evidence that there is a lack of supply for these companies demand for such individuals NOTE: These CEO salaries and bonus come at an increased cost to the Corporations DUE TO A LACK OF SUPPLY TO MEET THE DEMAND OF INDIVIDUALS WHO MIGHT BE ABLE TO REPLACE THEM AT A CHEAPER PRICE TAG. Its the education system in general that is the problem, which is actually weakening our minds by standardizing the content it teaches as our government would love to perpetuate the idea that if you get through High School there should be a Good Job waiting for you as they are creating the standard that cant keep up with the markets, it ultimately being they who require our lack of skills that misunderstand how even the economy works. And yes, there should be jobs available after we get through School, and there would be if not for these standard which in fact take us out of an economic equilibrium which actually create greater gaps between rich and poor as they are taking our attention away from learning the skills which will help us achieve success on our own. Its the Standardization with education which has actually caused us to become more dumbed down as a culture and we dont even realize, because we all passed the same tests with the same Cs.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:16:53 +0000

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