This is a Long Testimony, but One You Dont Want to Miss! If You - TopicsExpress


This is a Long Testimony, but One You Dont Want to Miss! If You Know Someone who has Had Cancer Along with Chemo and Radiation That has Wreaked Havoc on Their Body...Plexus Helped Debbie Kroeger with Amazing Life Changing Results: My name is Debbie Kroeger, as my good friend Mitzi Hendrix has always called me. I live in Carroll, Iowa in the summer an fall months, and in Brunswick, Georgia in the winter and spring months. Thats where Mitzi and I met about 15 years ago. A couple of years later, as our lives changed, we were moved with our families in different directions, states apart. But we always tried to keep in touch with each other. Five years ago I found out I had breast cancer. I went through 16 rounds of chemotherapy and 35 sessions of radiations. Thats when all my complications set in. I could no longer walk without assistance. My limbs would swell to at least double their normal size, I even went through seven vein closure surgeries on both legs to try to help return blood flow, but nothing helped. My legs still looked and felt like tree stumps. Not to speak of the 60 pounds I gained over the next six months. I had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and COPD. Since the chemo, I have had to have two carpal tunnel surgeries, shoulder surgery, total knee replacement and hip replacement. The chemo damage was really disheartening. When Mitzi caught up with me again, back in 2012, she started telling me about this plexus, and how it was going to help me. And of course, I didnt believe her, so I kept brushing her off for nine months or so. So if you are one of those who gets a no from a friend or loved one who you know plexus can help....please dont give up on them. They dont know what they are saying no to. Well, my daughter and I decided it was time for me to try this stuff. We knew if wasnt going to work and we were going to prove she was wrong. So I order a 30 day supply, and I knew thats all I knew I would ever have to order. I started on plexus once a day. when I started plexus, I was having difficulty urinating. For six months prior t plexus, I always had the urge to urinate, but would find myself in the bathroom, but with no results (only trickles). Thats also possibly where some of the weight and swelling came from. The Doctors answer to this was water pills, which did nothing. In two days on plexus, I started urinating, like every hour or two. I dropped 20-25 pounds in the first 3 days. So I order another 90 days of plexus. By the second month, I was voluntarily no longer taking some of my medications, and my rheumatoid arthritis was starting to feel better. I was not in as much pain, and I could get around with having to use my cane or anything else for assistance. I had not walked without assistance in one form or another in five years. My COPD was stabilizing and I wasnt doing my breathing treatments all month. I had also not been on oxygen or been hospitalized once in the past two months. Which for me is a record. Average flare-up of my COPD had been every 6 to 8 weeks..either on oxygen or to the hospital. I had no fibromyalgia symptoms to speak of since the startup of plexus and had also cut back on all those medications. And the kicker is, I had dropped another 15 pounds, for a total of 35 pounds. I am down 6 dress sizes, and not definite but close to 40 inches total so wooohooo. And this was the last minute add on that I hadnt even had a chance to tell Mitzi or Peggy and I was so excited to share. Today I had to have some routine tests done for respiratory therapy for my COPD folllow-up. The therapist giving the lung function tests, after completing the exam, asked me (with this puzzled look on his face) who diagnosed you wit COPD. So I told him the name of my doctor in Georgia and asked him why. He just shook his head and said well, you could never tell it by these tests, your lung functions are all running at 100%. Are you sure you have COPD? I started laughing and told the guy about Plexus and everything its done for me. So at the end of 90 days, rheumatoid doctors have said no sign of rheumatoid (in remission), walking without assistance, no fibromyalgia pain or symptoms, COPD in check, lung functions at 100%, oxygen levels at 100%, kidneys functioning properly, I am down 42 pounds, about 40 inches, down 8 sizes and I love telling others about what plexus is doing for me. Thank you Mitzi from the bottom of my heart. Here I am on my scooter and then after nearly 90 days of Plexus Slim two times a day down 35 pounds and no scooter!!! :)))
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:09:50 +0000

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