This is a REALLY GOOD article that brings up some key concerns for - TopicsExpress


This is a REALLY GOOD article that brings up some key concerns for the world in general. The holocaust, the dropping of the atomic bomb, etc are not just history relevant to the past but lessons for the future. The younger generations see these things as simply facts of history and irrelevant to their lives. They get why is recorded but not why its important NOW. We are seeing the exact same factors that led to World War II repeating all over again today. Ukraine resemble Poland to anyone? A burgeoning anti semitism that is fervently rising from multiple conflicts in the middle east, yet disregarded as similiar because it isnt blonde haired blue eyed white men initiating it? For all our amazing knowledge, our ability to record and analyze every aspect of history and world events, our accessability to this info for anyone with a cell phone, the world continues not learning a thing from history, and seems inexorably doomed and determined to repeat it. Im a techno nerd, a futurist geek. Anyone who knows me is aware of my passion for technology. I dreamed of the future before I could walk. I find my enthusiasm and awe for mankinds ability to progress sadly diminished lately. Evolving our technologies means nothing if we are devolving our sensibilities and reasoning commeasuratively. In the United States we have watched our country, under guidance of the wisdom of obama, publicly flaunt our hypocrisy for all the world to say. Our president broadcasts speach upon speach, eloquating our morals, ideas , and principles while taking action (or non actions) that are the antithesis of our ideology. We care about our citizens in jeapordy, yet intimidate and ignore families of hostages held by terrorists. We stand resolute we dont negotiate with terrorists, yet our president does that for a military deserter by circumnavigating the foundation of our government and his position. We boast our moral resolve to combat injustice and any threat to innocent nations sovereignities, all the while refusing to send even one single bullet to assist the Ukrainians. We market oursleves as loyal to our military and their sacrifices while coercing silence from men who served regarding the actions of the one single soldier who betrayed our military principles and caused fellow soldiers to die as a result. We proclaim ourselves the enlightened country of freedom and justice for all, yet every domestic unrest with a racial element attatched sees our President fan the flames publicly instead of dousing them. What does all this say to the world, let alone our children? How do we expect our younger generations to achieve enlightenment from the past when we are incapable of displaying any reason in the present. Yet inundated by this every day occurrence of hypocrisy we dismiss these situations routinely, thats the way it is, government makes no sense, etc etc.. The world may teeter on the precipice of world wide war and distruction once again trumpeted by News Media Headlines How did we get here?. Journalists will emote profound sorrowful laments. The answers will be at our fingertips recorded to the detail by those self same journalists, however nobody bothered to read it.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:03:58 +0000

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