This is a blog i wrote after Dr Jill Tarter (Director of SETI) - TopicsExpress


This is a blog i wrote after Dr Jill Tarter (Director of SETI) visited NZ in 2006 - i confronted her about the NASA UFO/ET cover up Last night I visited Te Papa for Dr Jill Tarters 1 hour talk on the SETI program. Roughly 50 people turned up, mostly families with young children. Dr Tarter began by talking about the origins of life and the History of SETI program. 90% of the material she covered was aimed at young children and people who didnt know anything about the SETI program, for a little while I struggled to stay awake. She tried to dazzle us with random facts and astronomical figures (basically saying you had better chances of winning lotto than finding signs of intelligent life in the Universe). Then she compared the movie Contact to the real SETI program and compared Jodie Fosters character to herself, making silly comments like “in the movie she wore headphones - in real life we don’t” WTF! What has got to do with anything? Anyway she ended the discussion talking about the struggle to keep the SETI project alive and recommended that we should be encouraging people to learn more about the SETI program and send donations when possible. Her final minutes were spent talking about her new project - the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) then she turned in to a sale’s rep and offered people and businesses the chance to have their name or business logo on a telescope. She did exactly what I knew she was going to do and that was turn the discussion into a fundraising campaign and did not discuss anything interesting or worth listening to. After the discussion we had a brief question and answer session. Only 4 questions were asked (I waited because I wanted to speak to her face to face) Most of the people that attended simply got up and left at the end but a few people stayed back to talk to her, I was one of them. I waited in line while men and women with young families chatted to her about educational programs for children. When my moment arrived I shook her hand told her it was an honour to finally meet her and got straight to business. I had 3 questions for her: 1 - Have you seen any of the evidence that Dr Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project has brought forward ? 2 - Have you heard of and seen any of the NASA smoking gun footage? 3 - Are you concerned about Mr Bush’s attempts to weaponise space? If so what is SETI doing about it? This is what she said: Question 1 - Have you heard of the Disclosure Project and have you had a chance to see any of the evidence Dr Steven Greer has brought forward? Dr Tarter - Yes I have personally met with Dr Greer and seen some of the evidence in the form of leaked classified files and images of anomalous objects appearing on commercial and military radar stations. (Short pause)...I don’t know what to say, I cant talk about that in detail, I doubt that all the evidence is credible and that all the witnesses are a reliable source of information at all. JZ - Are you saying you don’t think Nasa’s own scientist’s, technician’s and astronauts as well as people who have worked for various US intelligence agencies, military and commercial airline companies are not a reliable or credible source of information?!! Dr Tarter - (dodging the my reply) I know an astronaut who has met some of the people who have joined the Disclosure project and he claims they’re just disgruntled ex workers. JZ - You’re kidding right? Are you trying to tell me that people like Maj Gordon Cooper, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and James lovel as well as those high ranking officials who have worked for various US intelligence agencies, Presidential Joint chiefs of Staff are not a reliable or credible source of information and just disgruntled, also a lot of the people who have come forward still work for government. Dr Tarter - no comment At this moment her 2 US embassy aides (one from USA and a Kiwi) flank me. The American speaking one stands to my left and starts giving me the evils - he is not happy! OK Question 2 - Have you seen any of the NASA smoking gun footage? Dr Tarter - no, but tell me more JZ - I quickly explain how in the late 90’s Martin Stubbs who was the station manager of a Canadian Satellite TV company was able to piggyback NASA unsecured satellite downlink and recorded over 400 hours of shuttle and space mission footage. Dr Tarter - sounds very interesting, ill have to look into it when I get home. JZ - Yes it is, during the *Nasa STS-75 mission labelled as the “Tether incident” the camera clearly shows huge, highly energised and pulsating objects flying in and round as well as passing behind the tether and satellite. Dr Tarter - Long pause and nervous glances to her aides, oh yeah with the Italian satellite that came back reconfigured? (SNAPPED! I had her now) ummm Light can do funny things in space especially when it gets reflected off the glass lens of the camera. JZ - It was a high resolution military Infrared camera with glare filters and the objects can be clearly seen passing behind the 12 mile long tether as well as making controlled movements like darting towards the tether at high speed, stopping in an instant, hovering near it then flying off at a different angle from its first approach - some at right angles or less!! At this moment her Kiwi US aide steps in and claims Dr Tarter must has a dinner to attend and must be feeling very hungry. I thanked her for her time, shook her hand again and left. In the end all I got was this lousy cell ph pic and a load of BS. *The Nasa STS-75 Incident The STS-75 incident: In the winter of ‘96, Columbia was testing the $100 million Italian Tethered Satellite System, a ball-shaped device linked to a rod-and-reel deployment spool by a cable stretching 12 miles at maximum extension. The experiment was designed to see how well tethers could generate electricity in space. But it ended abruptly when the cable snapped. During shuttle video acquisition of the broken tether, the black void around the dismembered hardware began swarming with particles and beads of light, resembling an organic soup beneath a microscope. The tether appeared surrounded by the objects. The satellite was recovered and it’s data recorders were analysed, Nasa scientist and technicians found the results very disturbing, so disturbing the US Department of Defence and National Security Agency seized the Satellite and recovered data. The satellite and data recovered showed: Certain parts of the Satellite had been exposed to high levels of radiation that are not normally found in Space but have been found on Earth near UFO landing sites. The satellite settings had been reconfigured and some of the gyroscopes and data recorders had been turned off using Nasa’s own remote frequency (Nasa could not communicate or remotely change any settings of the satellite after it broke free). Scientist also stumbled across signs of tampering as if something had used an extremely precise microscopic laser on certain area’s of the satellite. The Disclosure Project is a non-profit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. P.S. Sorry for the terrible 2006 era phone camera photo
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:08:01 +0000

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