This is a brilliant message from my British friend, Bill Keidan, - TopicsExpress


This is a brilliant message from my British friend, Bill Keidan, living in Australia to all Americans. I had to share: Friends, Some may think it is too early to tell, but I think we are looking at an object lesson of what is going to happen to those who persistently make deceit and wicked behaviour towards individuals and nations part of their lives. Those people who have captured the American government have persistently and for a long time played fast and loose with truth and have launched immense suffering upon the world. And the cats paw in all of this has been the American Presidency aided by the House of Representatives and The Senate who have pandered to the military/industrial complex in a killing spree of monumental proportions. It is not for me to tell America what it has to do, but I would venture to say that even at this late stage if it arrested the culprits and stopped them continuing with their warmongering, then the world could turn a new page in peaceful co-existence. It is actually too late to save the green-back as the worlds reserve currency and so much damage has been done during the reign of the petrodollar that the world is thoroughly fed up and wants to see the end of it. But, if America acknowledged its mistakes and had a change of heart it could be part of a new multi-polar world where everyone can have a share in the pie - not just bloated New World Order plutocrats who are prepared to invade and lay waste other countries on trumped up charges, because they can mobilize a more powerful military against those they wish to steal from. In the news today (25th July) it appears the Ukrainian government has resigned - we hope it is an organic resignation and not just a ploy But really, when you think of it the hideous nature of American Foreign Policy which funded the disruption of Ukraine to the tune of $5 billion - a country not only within the Russian sphere of influence but also part of the historical Russian culture and heartland - this was a very aggressive and hurtful thing to do.Then, they put this junta into power and anointed it on the basis of a pathetic election. Of course we know it was all part of that baleful policy devised by Brzezinski and refined by Wolfowitz to confront Russia and stop them progressing economically and financially, ultimately of course with a view to defeating them militarily and clearing the way for the pivot to Asia where they intend to deploy 60% of their military capacity to ultimately defeat China. These policies do not permit rivals - they want the whole pie to themselves. With the downing of the Malaysian airliner MH17 you will notice a determined attempt to pin it on the so-called rebels (The Novorussians) and indeed Russia itself. It now looks like this is a horse that will not run because Russian evidence as opposed to Obamas assertion is now being factored into the narrative, and no amount of captured Western Media support can prevent people working out that this was yet another false-flag operation, intended to put Russia and the Novorussians in a bad light and even to justify war. The evidence now seems to be clear that it was the Ukrainians who did the deed, probably with the connivance of the CIA and they have consequently been at haste to make all their evidence disappear whilst that of Russia has come to the ascendant. If America keeps going on like this it is going to destroy itself. Already we see what fools of spokespersons they offer in the State Department - as if the world is going to believe the nonsense they spout just because they say it and without any evidence to support the assertions made. As I say, America could pull back from the brink. Will it do so? I doubt it - and that is the sad thing - it will probably have to suffer a defeat in a war of its own making in order to realize where it has been in error - but by then it will be too late - defeated nations do not write the history books.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:17:29 +0000

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