This is a brilliant piece. There was once a time when every child - TopicsExpress


This is a brilliant piece. There was once a time when every child wanted to be the President. I remember in my 2nd grade class they asked us what we wanted to be, you got the usual ballerina, cowboy, astronaut, but you also heard President of the United States of America. These were also the kids that volunteered to hold the American flag when we did the anthem every morning. Being an American was something to be proud of. Many of my older teachers recall when being an American was the best thing to be in the world. Living here is what everyone wanted. My political science teacher asked our class of about 200. How many of you wanted to be the President as children? A good group raised their hands. He then preceded down the a list of notable Presidents and asked us, which of you think these are great men. We raised our hands for Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, JFK, LBJ, and so on. Many of us even raised our hands for Barack Obama because at this point we understood how politics work and how much of legislation and operations in America he is ACTUALLY responsible for. Then he asked us a startling question, How many of you would want to be the President today? We all looked at each other. I for a fact knew one of the games many of my friends parents played was, How long until the new Presidents hair turns white as snow. No one raised there hand. We used to think of POTUS as the greatest most powerful man in the world. We could speculate why the media and why his fellow men and women on Capitol Hill cannot come together for the greater good of America but... This article breaks down the different positions very clearly. I just personally find the Americans who disrespect the President to be almost disgusting and un-American. Because hes your President, hes commander in chief. If you dont like it, move elsewhere. For now hes in charge. If your only active role in politics is complaining about the President then, why even open your mouth? Youre not contributing to society in any other way than complaining? Id like to see you try to do his job for a week. I honestly would like to see the average American who complains about how things are run on Capitol hill try any of the senators, House of Representatives, congress, POTUS, anyone of them. Its a dangerous game, its not easy, its worse than Game of Thrones. Theres a pie called POWER, and everyone wants a piece. So imagine a tiny chicken wing, in a room of starving and angry lions. Now lets throw your kitten butt in the mix. Let me know how that goes.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:15:04 +0000

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