This is a complex article. I want to mention a couple thoughts for - TopicsExpress


This is a complex article. I want to mention a couple thoughts for the LGBT community to consider. Many pro-lifers are religious and we cant possibly put our faith on the sidelines because it defines how we fundamentally live - how we think about ourselves, people, things, and the world around us, its who we are. If the LGBT community wants to join the religious pro-lifers, great, we overwhelmingly want to welcome you, but, please, you cant expect us to conform to everything you hold dear. One example, if a pregnant transgender - mom -feels her identity is hurt by a baby in her womb because her identity is felt as a he (a man instead of a mom), religious people feel the identity problem has a deeper cause. But religious people would not force anyone in the LGBT community to go deeper on this understanding of identity. We have to admit - we actually pray you do. We know its a risk, like diving into an ocean of religious possibilities, mainly a healing relationship with Jesus. You should know religious people find their identity as a child of God, made in his image and likeness. Yeah, we remind each other of Jesus. For us a pregnancy is never a blow on personal identity. Rather, a pregnancy is another made in His image and likeness inside a mother made in His image and likeness - that is grandeur at its finest. Mary, the mother of God, pregnant with Jesus, Son of God, was the ultimate gift and miracle. Her identity was wowed over, magnified by this miracle! This is blessing upon blessing and grandeur. It is hard for religious people to assess pregnancy below anything than the grandeur of a child and an -- incredible --sacrificial mom because we think about the example of Jesus and Mary - we cant remove ourselves from this incredible event. To the LGBT community, Christians really love you and think you are incredibly made in Gods image. When we look at you, we see beauty and gift. You are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Here is a quote from the article that I am reflecting on: It is important to consider also that when LGBT people have an experience with unintended pregnancy they may face different challenges than their straight counterparts. They may view the pregnancy as a blow to their personal identity and there are unique challenges that come with that.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:04:34 +0000

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