This is a declaration of who the Lord God YHWH told me I was in - TopicsExpress


This is a declaration of who the Lord God YHWH told me I was in 1995 when I was 26 years old. I was born 9/26/1968 at 9:26am my father was 26 years old at my birth and God told me I was one of two annointed prophets fortold in Revalations 11:3 when I was 26 years old. It has now been 18 years and I am 44 years old - 18 years = two 9 year periods. There are four sets of blood moon tetrad lunar eclipses and a few full solar eclipses associated with my birth and the 7 year tribulation period and all of them fall on feast days of YHWH celebrated in the Jewish culture! The reason this is coming out now is because of the events of our times,the first sign of eclipses and these blood moon tetrad (tetrad means four) started in 2012 and there are 7 in all that are a sign the tribulation is near. The number 7 has always been associated with the book of revalations and God. 7 spirits of God, 7 bowl judgements 7 trumpet judgements and so on there are many more! the evidence you will read in this document is plentifull and indisputable but there is so much I am only touching the tip of the ice berg and I have friends helping me to put it all on a video that I hope to put out on utube next month maybe earlier. there were 4 in 1492 right after America was discovered, four in 1948 right after Isrial became a nation again, 4 from 67-68 with a solar eclipse falling four days from my birthday wich was seen in Isrial evidently and there are more to come with one falling two days after my birthday in 2015. All of these fall on YHWH feast Days coincidence I think not but there is much much more. There are a total of 7 eclipses during our times and two have already past. Check out the pics my friend caught of the first one in 2012 it has a good face and an evil face see if u see it. There are 7 nines and seven twenty sixes associated with my birth and theLord has shown me all but one nine. I have received more revalation from the Lord God of this universe in the last two months than in alll 18 years I have been waiting combined! The lord is coming soon ! wake up! The Lord God has told me there will always be those who dont beleive And then He said and I quote, "If moving the heaven planets stars and moon isnt enough for them to beleive than there is no swaying the hearts of some men and there judgement is just. I do not wish to judge , but forgive, and I have done all I can to save them but I refuse to take there free will! I never wanted robots who love me I want them to choose that."THUS SAYS THE LORD! I have seen His love with my eyes and heard the love in His voice with my ears and I solemly testify that this witness is true and from God. These are pics my friend gave me off his unactivated old Phone that he took of the first eclipse in 2012. They are interestin, one has a face of God with tears on the left and an evil face on the rt and there sharing an eyeball 1of 2 golden lampstands 1of 2 olive trees His Holy Prophet from Revalations James Richard Spaulding
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:59:07 +0000

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