This is a delusional thinking! Why would GOD bless this - TopicsExpress


This is a delusional thinking! Why would GOD bless this generation with wealth and filthy lucre and not bless His Apostles back in the day? Because the Bible says, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24. HE never encouraged his apostles to seek wealth, but to bring souls before the Throne of GOD. In Mark 10:24, Jesus said, "...Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!" Jesus tells us, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 Lastly He tells his apostles, "After these things the LORD appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way. And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again. And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire." Luke 10 THESE ARE HIS WORDS MY DEAR FRIENDS! You are either with HIM or against HIM. You cannot serve both mammon and GOD. He testified in 22:18 that "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." This is a direct warning and these souls who teach this doctrine will not be found guiltless. We are to share the Glorious Gospel of JESUS Christ and warn souls to repent for "... The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." Luke 10:9 Blessings ~ Judy
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:46:49 +0000

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