This is a difficult situation. If it were my daughter, Id have her - TopicsExpress


This is a difficult situation. If it were my daughter, Id have her in chemo. I get that chemo is hell on the body, but it can save your life, and at the age of 17 you still have quite a long life ahead. That said, the State has no business interfering here. It terrifies me to think that this girl was removed from her home, locked in a hospital room, guarded around the clock and prevented from leaving, and then subject to highly invasive medical procedures against her and her parents will. I understand if doctors want to talk to the mother and her daughter and try to passionately persuade them to go in a certain direction, but kidnapping and imprisonment? What country are we living in? Never mind the fact that, once again, these child protective services agencies have demonstrated that they possess, apparently, absolute power to do whatever they want. Thats no surprise, considering its a facet of government that fundamentally exists outside of the bounds of the constitution. It does what it wants because there is nothing to stop it. Sometimes there isnt a happy solution. Sometimes you have a 17-year-old girl with cancer who doesnt want chemo, and parents who want to respect those wishes. I dont think I would respect her wishes if I were her father, but Im not, so its not my call. And the State isnt, and neither is the medical establishment, so it shouldnt be their call, either. theblaze/stories/2015/01/06/a-17-year-old-girl-with-cancer-who-refused-treatment-and-was-put-into-state-custody-will-have-her-case-heard-by-the-conn-supreme-court/
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:18:13 +0000

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