This is a familiar fable is expanded by the CEO (Chief Executives - TopicsExpress


This is a familiar fable is expanded by the CEO (Chief Executives Officer) of Coca Cola and editorial revisions to: 1 Once upon a time, a tortoise and a rabbit who quarreled faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race competition. They agreed on a route and started the race. The hare darting and ran for a while. After his show he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought hed sit under the shade of a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. Rabbit lying under a tree and fell asleep quickly. The tortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the race, win. Rabbit startled awake and realize that it has been lost. The moral of the story is: Slow and steady won the race. 2 But life was not so simple as that, the story continues to develop: Rabbits extremely disappointed to lose and its trying to think. Rabbit realizes that it has lost because of overconfidence, carelessness and lack of discipline. If it had not taken things too easy and sure wins the turtles no door to get it down. So rabbits challenged a new race. The tortoise agreed. This time, the hare ran with all its strength and running smoothly all the way to the destination. Rabbits leave turtles to several miles away. From this we can draw lessons: Fast and consistent will always beat the slow and steady. If there are two people in the enterprise: a slow, principles and reliable, and the other fast and still reliable at what he does. The fast and reliable will be promoted faster. From this we can say: Slow and sure is a good thing; Fast and reliable, but is better. 3 But the story does not end here. Turtle reflect on the results and realized that there is no way it can beat the hare in the race last. He thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to another race involved, but there is little change in the track. Rabbits agree. We started the race. As promised himself alone, rabbit starts running for the highest speed until the waterfront. The finishing line is only 2 km from the other side of the river. Hare sat there wondering what to do. Meanwhile the tortoise has arrived, waded into the river and swam to the opposite bank, continued walking and finished the race. The significance of this story? First, the need to identify their advantages, then that select appropriate playground! 4 The story is not over. Come here rabbits and turtles became good friends and together they ponder. The story is moving to a new situation. Seeing the hare and the tortoise in the race, ducks recognize their weaknesses and challenges arising thought both turtles and rabbits and also attended the race on this track. Duck said: I challenge you both to attend the race on that track. Facing new rabbits and turtles that do not have to win door duck if action alone. So we figure out how to fix. The race began, carried the tortoise and hare darting run to the side of the river, waded into the river and turtles swimming across the rabbit piggy bank. Up to shore again carried the tortoise and hare ran to the finish. Ducks run faster but not faster than the turtle but the rabbits, turtles and ducks are swimming slower speed but because of rabbits darting helped shorten the total duration of the race. Since then rabbits and turtles and realize that we have together finished much earlier than the time before the race. And ducks had failed to accept the results and whispered regret for not stating his challenge race against each opponent. The moral of this story is what? Its good if everyone has the wisdom and intelligence have its advantages, but it would be great if you cooperate and work together in a team and to share, offer the advantages of each. You will never do the job is perfect because there are always situations that you can not do better than others. The importance of teamwork is to be the leader chosen in each specific case. To choose the person with the advantage of areas where they do leader. There are many other lessons from this story: - Note that both the rabbit and the turtle will not surrender or defeat discouragement. - Rabbits determined to work harder and put in more effort after his bitter defeat. - The tortoise changed his strategy to overcome their inherent drawbacks. - Private ducks recognized the failure causes and draw experiences for their faux pas in the conclusion. In life, to suffer and to face up to the failure, there may also be an appropriate time to think more deeply, more effort and more importantly, to change strategy to find other solutions, and sometimes to do both. Hare and the tortoise also learned another life lesson to others: Instead they oppose each other (or eliminate competition to each other), we sat down together to find solutions to the situation wisely and thus both was the winner. Particularly duck just because a small loophole in the mouthpiece (or contracting documents) that have been defeating. That is the chain of cause and effect: As a nail that down a horseshoe, horseshoe so that damaged a horse, and as a horse rider but harm as G. Herbert has been found expression. Conclusion: The story of the hare and tortoise teaches us many lessons interesting. The most important idea is fast and firm will always beat slow and steady; working with the advantages, bear thinking and collaboration with others chances of winning will be higher than working alone; Chuy knew the details meticulously avoid unnecessary failures; and especially never stopped or discouraged surrender after each failure. And finally: ALL CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE SOLUTIONS, LIABLE TO FIND WILL SEE!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:44:05 +0000

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